Chapter 33 ~ Spike

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Warning: Few Swears

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Warning: Few Swears

Coughing awake, you glanced around to notice you were back in your cell. This time with a black eye. Grunting every here and there, you pushed yourself off the floor and sat up. No one was back yet from breakfast. Well, one or two were. A female and a male but the male was on the other side. The female was across from your cell. She saw the way you looked and just tilted her head. "Just like your mother." Was all she said to get your attention. Before you could question her, the guards started to bring everybody back into their cells. "Well they're back early." The woman said. "Probably they brought in new people." She then added before moving just slightly to let her cell mate come in. "Name's Spike." She finally said before sitting down on her bed. That's when your cell mate entered. "Oh won't you look at that, you're still awake." She said with an evil like smirk.

She would've said more but that's when she heard guards coming closer along with someone coughing lightly. Glancing over, she saw a man. A guard went over to her and started to speak to her about something. Turning her back to them, she let them cuff her as she told you "guess we can't have our fun right now can we." Before she left, she had managed to kick your nose; causing you to stumble back a little. They had to pull her with them so she wouldn't continue. Your nose felt as if it were bleeding and sure enough, it was. After she was pulled away you peeked your head out of the open doorway to see the new people. Only managing to spot one of them seeing how they were taking the other to a different location, you saw a long time friend.

"Adam!" You yelled and went to run over to him but when you got a few steps away, a guard clicked on a button and it made the collar around your neck to electrocute you; causing you to fall on your knees holding it. Adam saw you from the moment you shouted his name to the moment you fell. "Y/n!" He yelled in response when he saw you in pain. Struggling to get free, the guard also electrocuted him. "Put them back in their cells." The other guard mentioned. "Teach her a lesson." He added on when he gestured to you.

As they dragged Adam away, you were being pulled by two guard back into your cell. The other newcomer was making their way down the hall with their guards. It appeared that their cell was next door to yours. "You didn't get to eat, so that means your too weak to fight." One of the guards who were in the cell with you said and the other chuckled in an evil like way. Unaware of the person being thrown into their new 'home', the second guard started to kick you and hard. First he kicked at your legs then your face twice before kicking your stomach. The first guard had to pull him back to get a few punches right onto your face.

You grabbed their hand mid way before mustering up as much energy you could get and kneeing the man in the balls. Resulting in him having to clutch that area with his hands as he fell backwards. Getting up as fast as you could, the second guard who was pulled back, quickly placed you in a chokehold. "Y/n!" You heard from beside you but couldn't see who had called you. "Get. Off!" You gritted as you elbowed him hard into his side making him release before punching him twice in the face then kicking him in the face too; making him fall backwards. The first one managed to get up as he fought through the pain and use his baton to knock you down to the ground. He kicked you a couple of times before being pulled away. Your cell door shut and that's when you started to cough up blood, but it wasn't so much.

"Y/n!" Yelled the same voice before followed by some banging on the walls. "Hm?" You hummed as you glanced up from your spot. Not believing at first, you closed your eyes. You didn't open them till you heard the same person tell you not to close them. "No, no, don't do that. It's really me." They said and when you opened your eyes again, you got a clear view. It was Wade. Coughing a bit of more blood up, you could see the concerned yet worry in his eyes. "I'll be fine." You had finally mustered up to say. Taking deep breaths, you added on when he asked if you had eaten anything. "No."

That didn't help him with the worries he carried. "I'm... I going to sleep for a bit." You muttered. "No, don't you dare y/n." He said. "Don't you fucking dare." He added on when he saw you starting to close your eyes. "But.. I'm tired..." You whined and he sighed before banging on the walls again when he saw you fall asleep. What he didn't know was the amount of sleep you had gotten. In this case, you didn't get any due to the cell mate you had. All she wanted to do or did for that matter was inflict pain. A lot of it too, which didn't let you sleep a wink.

He growled in frustration and noticed that his cell mate looked young. Nearly your age if not the same. He was on the chubby side however which never had bothered Wade, or you for that matter. He didn't speak to you since you had arrived and seemed as if he didn't want to start to either. "Friend of yours?" The boy asked Wade and Wade turned to look at him. "Best Friend actually just to get that clarification and jazz all through." He replied. "Special?" The boy asked. "None of which is to your concern. Thank you very much." Wade snapped. "Hm" The boy replied.

"Hey!" Spike yelled out towards Wade and when he turned around, he was surprised to see her. "I thought I'd never see you." She added. "Well, now you do. How long have you been here?" He asked in response. "3 years? I believe. I've tried many times to escape but it doesn't seem to be working as you couldn't already tell." She told him. "Yeah, nice job." He said. "You know what I am and what I could do." She spat back and he raised his hands up. "Sorry Mrs. Alpha." He mentioned back over to her and she smiled lightly but nodded at his response. "Better." Was all she told him.

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