twenty four

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It's been a whole month since Gabrielle disappeared, I know she wouldn't have left on her own because she had no where to go, her cousins been out of town for more than a month but recently appeared after learning about Gabrielle's disappearance.

Her brothers been on my ass since they got here, trying to order my gang around like it's their own.

I was in my office making calls to every gang in New York asking if they've seen her or if she was one of their captures but no luck.

I sighed hanging the phone when my office door was slammed opened "I'm gonna need you to sign this" Gianna said slamming a paper on my desk "Who do you think you are barging in here?" I spat angrily "The last face you'll be seeing if you don't sign the paper" she spat back glaring into my eyes, I looked down at the papers "Whats this?" I asked flipping through the pages not even bothering to read them, I grabbed a pen and started signing "Permission to give the The West to come help look for Gabrielle" she said grabbing the papers back

"You're getting the west involved?" I spat angrily "Yes since your gang isn't much help and we aren't very trustworthy of the gangs down here so we're taking matters into our own hands and bringing our gang down here" she said with a smirk "This is gonna cause a war" I spat "Well according to this paper and the marriage papers, we're family unless you or one of your fellow friends have something to do with Gabrielle disappearance" she said raising a brow

I opened my mouth but nothing came out "Exactly" she said "Having our people here, we'll find her in no time" she said giving me a sarcastic smile before leaving my office, I grabbed the closest thing on my desk and through it against the wall by the door "Woah" Victoria said coming in the office "What happened?" She said looking at me then at the broken glass "Now is not the time" I spat glaring at her

She closed the door behind her and made her way towards me "Relax" she said massaging my shoulders, I sighed from exhaustion "Let me make you feel better" she whispered in my ear, kissing down my neck

Unfortunately, Victoria had a miscarriage a week ago, something to do with her cervix being weak to carry a baby. She seemed devastated at first but accepted the fact that it wasn't the right time to have a child.

I groaned feeling my slacks get tight, the need of release I pulled her on my lap smashing our lips together making her moan, she rubbed against me making me groan "I'm glad that you're enjoying yourself while my granddaughter is missing" Victoria and I both pulled away to be met with Gabrielle's grandfather, father and some guys from the west "Get off his lap puttana" Victoria quickly got off my lap and stood behind me "Uh" I cleared my throat "What are you doing?" I asked sitting up

All their eyes were on Victoria, staring her down "disgustosa puttana" One of the guys spat making me stand up "What you call her?" I spat angrily "What she is. A disgusting slut" the guy smirked "Victoria, leave" I spat glaring at the guy

She left the office slamming the door behind her.

"Where's my daughter Mahone?" Marcus spat angrily "I don't know. I have my people looking for he- while you're here fucking some slut when you should be out there looking for your wife" Marcus father spat glaring at me angrily "I'm trying my best - well try harder" he yelled making me clench my jaw "You better find her alive and wel- or what?" I spat cutting him off

"You don't want to find out" he spat looking at me with disgust before walking out my office with his posy right behind him

I sat on my chair and rubbed my face.

Where the hell is she?


*Another three weeks later*

I woke up the next morning with the sun shining on my face, wrapped in the arms of the love of my life.

"Good morning princess" I missed hearing his raspy voice every morning, he kissed my neck causing me to get goosebumps "Morning" I said kissing his hand

Moving in his arms to face him, making him smile "There she is" he said pushing a strand of hair behind my ear

I looked at him and just thought about how much I want to kiss him but how much I want to yell at him for what he did "What you thinking about?" He asked caressing my arm "Why'd you lie to me?" I asked catching him off guard "wh- that night after the ball, why did you lie to me?" I asked staring at him with no emotion

He sighed "I don't know" he said looking away from me, I sat up and brought my knees up to my chest "Did you know that I was gonna be at Xaviers party?" I asked staring at him "Why does it matter? It was a year ago" he said "A year ago I lost my memory! A year ago, I was laying on my death bed!" I yelled

"All I'm asking are for answers, I'm getting really tired of you keeping secrets" I said

We both remained quiet for a minute or two before I asked the question I've been wanting to ask "Do you still love me? Do you still want to be with me?" I asked

He didn't look up at me to give me an answer, he just laid there quiet glaring at the wall with a clenched jaw "Okay" I said piecing the information all together

I got off the bed and made my way towards the bathroom "Gabi" he sighed, I slammed the door shut

I turned on the shower and got in, letting all the emotions out.

We've been staying in a cabin in the middle of the woods in a small town in Washington. We've been staying low key, the only time we go to town is when we need groceries or other necessities.

I stepped out the shower after an hour of being in there, I stepped out to the room to find it empty, the bed was made and Lucas shoes were missing meaning he has gone out.

I ignored it and just continued on with my day.

I changed into comfortable clothes before going downstairs to make myself breakfast and grabbed a bottle of water and a snack in case I got hungry before making my way down to the basement where I go to write.

There was a small studio set up with a piano and guitars on the wall, it looks like a recording studio.

A couple hours later

Lucas has been gone for hours and I think some time a part is what we need.

I climbed up the stairs to our room, I pulled out the only suitcase I have and packed all my belongings. I hate leaving him but I need some time to think and focus on myself in order for me to get back to who I was a year ago and there's only one person that can help me.

I wrote Lucas a letter, leaving it on the bed before grabbing my suitcase and walking out the house.

I got in the taxi "Where to Miss?" The taxi driver said "The airport please" I said "So where are you heading?" He asked driving away from the house, I watched the house disappear from my sight "I'm not sure yet, I'm just going away for a bit" I said


Where do you think she's heading? Do you think Lucas and Gabrielle are over?

A couple more chapters before the book is finished!

Finished: 12.26.2019

The Arrangement ~ Austin Mahone Where stories live. Discover now