twenty eight

220 4 0

I'm listening to Lovely by Billie Eilish featuring Khalid while writing this book so enjoy!! 

You'll think on the first day of summer you'll expect the sun to be out, the birds chirping, the heat of the sun waking you up, well that's what the state of California thought, but instead they were awoken by a storm.

The Marino's were getting ready to say their goodbyes to Gabrielle Marino. They arrived at the church where the funeral is being held, families from the west coast wished their condolences to the family at the entrance, before making their way inside.

Annabelle Marino was sat at the front of the church with her eyes on the close casket that held her dead daughter, she had cried all the tears she had in her body, all she could do was stare, wishing that all this was a dream.

As people took their seat, groups of five people stood dressed in black, from head to toe stood against the wall on each side of the church "What is this?" Austin questioned sitting down at the front of the church on the opposite side of the Marino's, looking at the people that had their identity hidden by the hood of the coat they were wearing

"What is he doing here?" Alex harshly whispered in Austin's ear, Austin turned and his eyes caught Tyler Hale "What the hell" Austin spat glaring at Tyler, he turned his head towards Austin and sent him a devilish smile before he greeted Marcus "Did you know The Hales were associated with the Marinos?" Austin sneered at his father "No" Lance eyes squinted at Marcus and Tyler "Don't worry, I got it under control" Lance said getting up and walked to the side where Durango stood, they both watched Marcus and Tyler spoke "What do you want me to do boss?" Durango asked "Get rid of him" Lance ordered his eyes on Marcus

What they didn't know, the person dressed in black heard their conversation, sending a quick text message before putting their phone back in their pocket.

Damien and Gabe were both glaring at the East "I have a feeling something is gonna happen, something bad" Damien said staring at Lance and Durango, he followed where they were staring to find them on his father "Those two are up to something" Damien said causing the guys head to turn the direction he was looking at, they watched Durango nod and make his way out of the church from the side exit and Lance sit back down

"Hey" Axel walked in the church catching the little groups attention "Did you do what I asked you to?" Axel asked Gabe "Yea but what's going on?" Gabe asked annoyed with the whole being left out "You'll find out soon" Axel said patting his back "We should go sit down, it's starting" Axel said making his way towards his seat next to his mother

"I'm so confused" Lorenzo said looking at the whole situation "So are we" Gabe said completely clueless on what is going on

Gabrielle is alive. Why will there be a funeral if she's alive? Is the question everyone who knew of her, asked themselves.

The three stooges (Kyle, Ricky and Lorenzo) were all staring at Gabe with confused looks on their faces "He said it was best to not have kids attend so I told everyone to not bring their kids" he said just as the church bells went off meaning service is starting

Damien and Gabe all walked over to the front and sat down next to their grieving mother, while the other three sat next to the girls.

The church was big enough for all families, some even sat above on the second floor, that's where Lucas, Josh and Logan sat.

Once everyone was seated, the service started "We are gathered here today to celebrate the life of one of our beloved daughters Gabrielle Marie Marino" As the service

Durango hummed as he walked through the woods behind the church where he parked the rented black van he came in. The sound of twigs snapping from behind made him turn around, he looked around and found no one, shrugging he continued his way to the van.

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