twenty nine

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We drove to the Marino Residence with Marcus men surrounding us. Parking in the drive way, we got out the car and were lead inside the house to Marcus office, where Marcus and Martin both were sat waiting for our arrival.

"Scotch?" Marcus asked grabbing glasses for the guys and I, I just stared at him wanting him to get to the point "Okay" he said putting the glasses back

"I hope you know, your father deserved what he had coming for him" Marcus started, I nodded completely understanding, if I would've knew sooner, I would've done it myself

"I don't know what your future holds but my daughter isn't gonna be apart of it" Marcus said making me squint my eyes at him "You can't do that" I spat "but I can" the door was pushed opened, Gabrielle walked in with her siblings and friends, slamming a folder in front of me on the desk "What is he doing here?" I spat glaring at Lucas "He's family, he's allowed to be here" Damien said filling himself a cup of scotch

I looked at Gabrielle before looking down at the folder in front of me "What's this?" I asked opening the folder to be met with divorce papers "if you think I'm gonna sign this, well think again" I spat glaring at Gabrielle, she already signed the papers

"I never wanted this" she said staring at me "neither did you, our marriage isn't made out of love" she said "You cheated, humiliated and laughed at me with the girl you been sleeping with way before we got married" I looked away in guilt from how I treated her throughout the past couple of months I've spent with her "If you sign, you get your life back, you get your freedom back" she said "And I get to be with the man I love" she said glancing at Lucas before looking back at me "so do us both a favor and sign" she said

I looked down at the paper and thought about it for a second, the least I can do after what my father has done to her, is this.

I grabbed the pen that laid on the desk and signed my name, closing the folder before looking up at her to find relief and happiness in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry for what my father did to you" I said standing up "I wish you the best" I said clearing my throat before exiting the room with the guys, not saying another word.

"What now?" Alex asked when we got in the car "We go home" I said staring out the window, watching the house disappear as we drove further away with a heavy heart.


A whole weight has been lifted off my shoulders once Austin left, I looked over at Lucas with tears in my eyes, I can finally be with the man I love "I love you" he whispered kissing my head

"Would you guys step out the room? I would like speak with Lucas and Gabrielle" my father said with a serious tone

Lucas and I both looked at my father, he waited until everyone stepped out the room "I'm sorry" he said "I'm sorry for all the pain I caused, for threatening you Lucas, I know you make my daughter very happy and it's only right if I give you my blessing" he said making me feel so many of emotions "Thank you" Lucas said shocked

"Now go do what you young kids do" he said turning around to fill up a glass of scotch

"Uh" I looked over at Lucas "I'm gonna stay and talk to him" I said with a small smile, he kissed my head before leaving the room

The Arrangement ~ Austin Mahone Where stories live. Discover now