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Otto and Many Others' Fears Came True. On May 10,1940 the Nazis Invaded Amsterdam.
Anne was ten years old and had no idea what was going on. Margot, fourteen knew though that Hitler was invading. They were inside and saw the Planes coming in. Margot saw the sign and probably realized the Nazis had came.
Edith and Otto decided together not to Move.
Anne soon discovered that their freedom was gone forever.
This was when The Netherlands became occupied by Hitler. Initially, He was going to kill every Jew.
Anne was terrified of course.
lThey couldn't own businesses, go to certain parlors for Ice cream and even poephad a curfew. There were spots on their property that would get them arrested even children could.
What did Arrest mean? Concentration Camps. Often, Diseases spread there and conditions were horrible. Non-Jewish People who helped or hid Jewish People would be arrested, too. Mostly, people were afraid to be arrested . Jewish People weren't always innocent that Hitler was correct about, but Jewish People were always almost innocent.
Anne and her family were one population that did nothing to Hitler.

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