Anne's Diary Begins

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Anne loved her new diary. But she couldn't stay in her home for very long. Otto then told Anne that they'd go in Hiding. Anne, was shocked. She understood later on why. The Franks would also be in Hiding with The Van Pels Family, or in Anne's Diary, the Van Daans.

Anne right away didn't like Peter or the family. All she could do was write or help with her. The Helpers were  Johannes Kleiman, Miep Gies, Victor Kugler and Bep Voskuijl. They helped the seven members out well.

The diary skipped some days but during those days, Anne was helping out the family and it was peaceful. Of course, Anne feared that Hitler would Find them, which wouldn't happen for a while.

Anne grew in the Annex, and according to her diary, was Kleiman's Idea to have a bookcase as an entrance to the Annex. The reasoning? The Nazis often searched peoples' houses, looking for jews, if an entire family of Jewish People was there, would be sent to concentration camps.

If not, next house. So Anne feared the Nazis would find them. For some strange reasoning, during the 25-month hiding, they never found the Franks, Van Daans, or The Helpers.

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