Anne, Edith and Margot's Fate

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I figured that I should say Anne and her family's Fate but it's sad

A being arrested, Edith and her daughters were sent to a Concentration camp, and all were separated from Edith. Somehow, Margot and Anne stayed s together and were transported to Auschwitz, the deadliest camp.
In Winter 1944-1945, Typhus Broke out. Margot caught it unfortunately. Margot fell out of her bunk and died, she was , really weak. Anne was feverish and had the same thing and died in Early March or Late February.
Edith died before her daughters, she died on January 6, 1945 from hunger and exhaustion.
At liberation, Anne and Margot's corpses were burned along with others. Why? I am unsure of but that happened.

Anne's Birthday is known now as Anne Frank Day, the Day Anne Frank was Born into the World.

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