Tomorrow is a another day

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Jordyn's tattoo

We entered the huge room filled with people. A lot of them. Two girls waved at us. One had blonde hair and green eyes and the other had dark brown hair and brown eyes.

Wynter pulled me over to them. Well more like dragged me this girl has major strength.

"Hey Wynter. " the brown haired on smiled."Whose this?" She raised an eyebrow at me.

"I'm Jordyn." I smiled at her.

"You're new, right?" The blonde one asked me. I just nodded.

"Well this is Kaesey," Wynter said as she pointed to the blonde one, "and this is Bella." She said pointing to the brown haired girl.

I smiled at them and sat down.

"So have you heard about the Halloween party next week Saturday?" Kaesey asked.

Bella shook her head and so did Wynter and I. Kaesey groaned and looked offended.

"Okay well I heard that Aidan is hosting. So just know that it's going to be epic. Bt dubbs what are you guys going to wear for the party."

"We never said we're going. "Bella said.

"Why." Kaesey's face fell. As she stared at Bella with sadness in her face.

"Remember what happened last time when you dragged us to a party." Wynter said.

"What happened last time?" I asked them with a little curiosity in my voice.

Bella mumbled something under her breath.
I brushed my eyebrows together as I stared at them.They all exchanged looks. It's a little awkward. I looked at all of them innocently.

"It happened a long time ago. We don't remember." Bella said quickly. I just nodded I think she just doesn't trust me. I get that I mean we just met.

Kaesey went on about how amazing the party will be and her outfit, the whole lunch. Well that's thirty minutes of my life, I'll never get back.

Well now it's bio and I have that with Bella and Kaesey so I'm not bored. We entered the classroom and sat at the back.

Not even half an hour in the lesson and I'm trying really hard to not to fall asleep. It's really hard to stay awake. I tried pinching my thigh but my jeans are in the way.The classroom door opened and two really cute guys walked in. Both of them had brown hair . One of them had green eyes, while the other had dark drown eyes. They both had black leather jackets. At the corner of my eye I saw a distinctive mark, at the back of their jackets.

"Mr Black," who I think is the one with the green eyes ,"Mr Carter, you're late." is the one with the dark brown eyes.They both rolled their eyes.they ignored his calls and sat down. The lessson sadly continued.

When the lesson was over, I immedietly know that i have gym.Luckily I packed extra clothes.Bella, Kaesey and i walked to the girl's locker room to change. We met Wynter there. I changed to the school's sports uniform. Which were dark blue shorts that were so short they could barely cover my ass, and a yellow shirt that's too tight.

We walked out of the locker room and made of way to the hall.The school hall is actually huge.It's even bigger than the one in my old school.A tall man probably in his late forties, early fifties.He had salt and pepper hair, blue eyes. He wore an addidas tracksuit.

Wynter face palmed herself, Bella let out an annoyed groan and Kaesey squealed.I just stared at them not knowing whats going.They just stared at the teacher and so did I, with a confued face.

"Well your teacher, Mrs Possum,was in an accident.So she won't be able to teach you.This also means that you're joining class with the boys today."All the girls squealed,except for Wynter,Bella and I.We just stood there, death glaring the teacher.He gave us a sorry look, but I just think that he's a little scared of us.

The boys came a few minutes later. You know what google didn't tell me, is that the guys that go to St Johns are hot af.I didn't know where Kaesey is.I already think that she left us when the teacher anounced the tragic news.I know that i'm new and all, but i just just hate gym class.

"Okay.Now that your all here.I need four laps around the tracks,twenty push ups,ten sit ups and a one minute plank." All the girls looked at him like he is crazy and, all the boys just shrugged. "What are you waiting for."We all groaned but did the damn course.

After gym I felt like I was gonna collapse.I removed my top to change back to my original clothes.

"You have a tattoo?" Bella asked me.

"I know a guy," I say while putting on my top.

"So,they are legal in England?"she asked me.

"Sure.Let's go with that"I smiled at her.

"Ok ,so what does it mean?"

"It means alot of thinghs to different people, but to me it means that when ever you get knocked down, you can always get back up. Kinda like the term 'Up from the ashes' ,"I explained.

"That's actually kind of cool.Think you could hook me up."I stared  at her.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked at her.She nodded. "You know that it's permanent." She nodded.

"I know how it sounds,but,"she lifts her top and she had a rose tattoo on her lower abdomen, "i'm not what i look like." she smirked.

"Who else knows about that?" I asked pointing at her tattoo.

"You, the tattoo artist and me."she shrugged.

"What about your parents?"

"They'll pour holy water on me." I laughed."I'm serious they'll make me a nun." I laughed even harder.

"How do you know?"

"They did it to my little sister, when she told them she was pregnant. It was hillarious.She stayed there for five months, when she came out she was a child of God.In their words not mine.

I chuckled. "We'll do it on Saturday, you in?"

"Yeah." I really couldn't help but smile at her.

We got out of the locker room and went to our next class, which is chemestry.We are like five minutes late. We ran to class,when we entered it turns out that the teacher wsn't there yet.

We just started laughing and everyone gave us weird looks, which made us laugh even harder.The teacher then came in and ruined the fun, by giving us work.

I've finished school for the day, finally.So Bella and I, made plans for Saturday, which is in four long ass days.We agreed that she would pick me up tomorrow morning, for school.After I said my goodbyes to them.I got on my baby and left hell, AKA school.

I got home, mom wasn't there,luckily. I know that you think I'm rude to her, but I have my reasons.I went upstairs to my room. I kno that I can't call Sorsha 'cause she's probably asleep, so i'm just gonna watch TV. I changed into my pjs, which is an oversized t-shirt and shorts.

I went downstairs,and sat down at the lounge. I kept on changing channels cause there's really nothing to watch.I sighed and got up to see my mother's DVD collection. I had already flipped through the entire collection and the best movie hence the only movie I knew was Mama mia.

i sighed and put it in the DVD player.After watching the entire movie, it was seven and my mother still hasn't arrived. I went to the kitchen and prepared myself something to eat.

After eating I went to sleep, tomorrow is a another day.

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