Liars get punished

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"Tell me about your father's death." My therapist, Mrs Black asked me.

"He's dead. That's it."

"Okay. So how did you feel when you heard that your father did." 

"I felt like my world collapsed. That I'm never going to see the man that taught me English no matter how stubborn I was. The person that stood up for me when I couldn't. He was my best friend. And now he's gone. It hurt even more when people thought I did it."

"That you did what?" 

"That I killed him. All because I was there when he died."

"Did something happen, when your father was murdered?" She asked me. Her voice laced with worry.

"Can we talk about something else?" I asked her, obviously dodging her question.

She nodded.

"So you have dyslexia?" 

I nodded.

"When you moved to England, you had to go to a new school. And you were pretty young. How was that?"

"A lot of people made fun of me, because I couldn't read or write. I was called, slow, disabled and a lot of things. I was afraid of going back to school, so I stayed at home."

"That took a major tol  on you didn't it."

I nodes. "It made me go back to Venezuela for three years because I couldn't  take it anymore."

"And now? What's changed?" She asked still writing in her book.

"Meds. I take 12 pils everyday for my mental illnesses. I'm basically  a walking and breathing, ticking time bomb.

I know I've done some dumb shit in my life, but it's how I was raised back home."

"How's That?"

I took a deep breath. "I lived with a lot of different people. Starting with Murderers, rapists, dealers, thieves, corrupt officials, but what I never lived with are liars. In the seventeen years of my life, I never lied. Why. Because my abuela once told me that liars get punished. And I've seen the punishment. It's not nice." I told her.


After my therapy season I went back home to get ready for my date with Bella. 

Its not really a date.

I went to my room and opened my closet. 

What to wear.

I wore a black long sleeved dress that reached me by my thighs and black thigh high boots.

I did my make up natural. I brushed my hair and tied half of it and let the rest loose.

I grabbed my bag and put my phone inside.

I went downstairs. Where my mother is with a woman, probably in her early twenties, she had long light brown hair and blueish, greenish eyes like my mother and has freckles.
With a man, who by the way is hot.  He had dark brown hair and dark blue eyes. Plus my mom is smiling.

People she is smiling. She never smiles.

"Uh hi." I said walking towards them.

"Jordyn this is Marisol. My daughter."

Everything clicked to me. Marisol. Her fianceé, who I forgot his name, because I never thought he would be hot.

"Marisol, you finally look pretty. Congrats on the marriage proposal. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go meet a friend." I said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2020 ⏰

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