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"They really kept you overnight?" Richie asked, leaning back in his desk chair with his feet on top of the desk.

"Only because my mom refuse to let me leave. She basically forced them to hold me over night." He said back, coloring in his notes. The teacher left the classroom for whatever reason and had yet to return.

"That's dumb." Richie leaned back more and made his chair tip slightly. Eddie eyed him doing this before going back to his notes.

"You're going to tip your chair over if you aren't careful." Richie rolled his eyes at this and continued to tip himself, balancing on the back legs of the chair. Beverly walked in late, her eyes holding an emotion neither boys could pin point. She fumbled in her steps before finally coming to rest in her desk by Eddie.

"Hey, Bev, are you okay?" Eddie asked and laid his hand on top of hers. She jolted and yanked her hand away from him, shutting her eyes tight. "B-"

"I'm fine." She said, her voice hoarse and quaking slightly. Richie watched this play out in silence, she brushed her hair behind her ear and revealed a very dark and uncomfortable looking hickey on her neck, with teeth marks. When they met eyes, Beverly quickly moved her hair to hide it. He decided it was best not to mention it, yet. "Uhm... what did I miss?" She questioned.

"Not much," Richie responded and gestured to Eddies notes. "Spaghetti here has just been doodling the whole time." Bev nodded and feebly got her notebook out of her backpack. As if on cue, the teacher walked back into the room to continue with their notes.

"Richard Tozier!" The teacher snapped at Richie, who jolted, almost knocking his chair completely over.

"Yes ma'am?" Richie smiled nervously at her.

"Get your feet off my desk." She demanded and gestured to his feet. He quickly removed his feet from the desk, gaining a couple laughs from surrounding peers.

"Sorry," he muttered and pretended to start taking notes.

"Yeah you are sorry." She muttered back, turning back to her lesson. Richie glanced at Eddie and gave him a playful smile, which the small brunette gladly returned. The three friends stifled laughs as they kept making eye contact. Beverly loosened up a bit since the beginning of class and started to pass notes to her friends, containing small doodles or senseless words. When the bell rang, the friends walked out of class.

"The octopus only had 7 arms, Rich. I mean do you need to repeat kinderg-" Eddie got bumped into, interrupting his speech and jerking him backwards. Connor smirked as he purposely walked into him, continuing down the hall.

"Watch where you're going." Richie called after him. This made Connor stop and he turned to the three standing in the hall. He slowly made his way back, stopping once him and Richie were toe to toe.

"What did you say?"

"Richie, don't." Eddie warned, grabbing his arm and pulling him back. Richie yanked his arm from Eddie and smiled at Connor.

"Oh sorry. Maybe you couldn't quite hear me. I said, watch where you're fucking going." He repeated himself, stepping closer to Connor. The hallways got quiet as people passed, waiting to see what was going to happen. Connor smiled back and started to raise his fist. Eddie rolled his eyes and put his palm to his face, not at all surprised at the scene playing out. It had been this way for almost a year now, like there was some sort of unsolved conflict between them.

"Excuse me, care to explain what's going on here?" A teacher cut between them, breaking the tension.

"Nope." Connor said simply and started to walk away again, looking back and at Eddie, giving him a wink. He winked at me again. Eddie thought back to when he and Richie fought a few weeks ago, Connor had winked at him then too. Richie caught this action and looked down at Eddie, confused.

"You okay?" Bev pulled back on Richies arm, leading him away from the scene. Richie didn't fight it this time and started to walk with his friends.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Richie said nonchalantly. "He started it."

"Why can't you be like how you were when we were younger?" Eddie asked, rolling his eyes again.

"Oh? A smart ass with a pansy complex? Yeah no thanks. The difference between when we were 13 and now. Is that Henry was bigger and stronger than me and Connor and I are evenly matched. The other difference being," he turned to Eddie and pinched his cheek, "I'm not afraid anymore." You're afraid of something, Rich. A whisper rushed by his ears and he stared at Eddie for a second longer before continuing his walk. "Let's just go okay?"

"Yeah, okay." Eddie agreed and followed behind Rich and Bev, thinking to himself.


"I really can't go to the club house today guys. My mom doesn't want me to go anywhere for a couple days, says she wants to monitor me." Eddie ran his hand through his hair and huffed. "It's probably for the best anyway. I have a lot of geometry homework and I'm not doing so hot in that class."

"You should just let me tutor you, Eds." Richie commented as he leaned against the wall outside, next to Bill. Eddie rolled his eyes and huffed again.

"Ha, yeah. You probably wouldn't take it seriously."

"He does have an A in the class." Ben said. "He helped me study for the test last week and I got a B." Richie winked at Eddie as this information was spilled.

"Uhg..." Eds wiped his face with his hands before looking back to Richie, defeated. "Fine, come around 7, gentleman's way. My mom is still pretty pissed at you guys." Richie smirked at this small victory.

"Pissed at us? Why? We didn't throw a rock at your head." Bev asked.

"Oh please, when isn't Eddies mom pissed at us?" Richie retorted back. Eddie agreed to this with a nod and hand gesture to Richie.

"Either way, I'm probably gonna be on partial house arrest until at least Wednesday." Eddies watch started to beep and he looked panicked for a moment. "Shit, I'm gonna be late getting home. Make that till Thursday." He huffed and started to walk away, before turning back and pointing to Richie. "Will you come at 7?" Richie smiled at him and nodded.

"Absolutely, Eddie Spaghetti." He gave him a friendly wink and then watched as Eddie turned around and left the group.

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