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"Graduation is in two weeks are you ready?" Ben tapped Eddie on the shoulder in class. It had been about three weeks since Eddie was in the hospital.

"Sure I guess." Eddie chuckled softly. Ben nudged him happily and winked at him.

"I bet your more excited for your birthday this weekend aren't you?"

"Maybe." Eddie smirked and tapped his pen against his paper. They had all planned to meet at Richies house for his party, as his parents were going to be out of town. "Do you have your admission letter?"

"Of course."

"Did you open it?" Eddie raised a brow at him. Ben laughed and shook his head.

"No! We all promised we would open them at your party!" Ben reassured Eddie. The smaller one sighed comfortably, things were finally starting to feel like normal again.

"Good," Eddie then lowered his voice and leaned closer to him. "Do we have a supplier in line?" Ben nodded very seriously.

"Yeah, my cousin is in town and he said he'd buy us some-" Ben held up a hand and pretended to drink, symbolizing what Eddie assumed was alcohol.

"Thank- God." He breathed out and relaxed. Ben chuckled and shrugged.

"Actually... you can thank my cousin, Cole."

"Excuse me?" The teacher interrupted their giggling, ruler in hand. "Is there something funny you'd like to share with the class?"

"No ma'am." They said together in unison, meeting each other's gazes with a friendly smile.


"Do you think he'll be mad?" Connor asked as he bashfully followed behind Eddie in the lunch line.

"Let him be." Mike said from behind Connor. Eddie smiled back at the two boys and shrugged.

"Who knows. He'll be fine. Your friends have to get used to the new "old" you so sitting with us every once in a while will help them and you get a much needed break from each other." Eddie explained and then politely thanked their lunch lady. Connor exchanged a glance with Mike and leaned back to him.

"I still don't understand why he wants to be my friend." Connor whispered.

"He's got a good heart and he knows you do too." Mike explained as they both followed behind Eddie who was confidently leading them to the table.

"Oof-" Connor grunted as someone bumped into him. "Hey, watch the fuck out." He said harshly to the random person walking by, Eddie glanced back at him with a scanning honey gaze and raised his eyebrows. "Uh, sorry. Old habits..."

"Hey guys!" Ben called to them from the table. Richie looked up from his conversation with Bill and gave a captivating smile to his doe eyed cutie approaching the table. His smile dropped immediately upon seeing the icy blue eyes behind Eddie.

"Yeah, hi." Richie said harshly as Eddie sat beside him, he put his arm around Eddies waist and slid him closer to him.

"Play nice." Eddie poked Richies side.

"What's up, Eddie spaghetti?" His manner lightened as he winked at the short brunette pressed against his side.

"What were you guys talking about before we got here?"

Bill and Richie exchanged excited glances, before Bill finally spoke up. "Nothing, don't worry about it."

"Don't worry about it? Well I wasn't worried about it until you said that." Eddie chuckled and began to pick at his lunch. They had been planning his birthday party for about a week now. The birthday boy wasn't too terribly excited in light of recent events, but he was trying to remain optimistic. The thought of getting drunk with his closest friends was what really excited him. He had never been drunk before, although Richie tells him it's like being sober but "Wobblier". Whatever that means. He thought to himself as he noticed the sharp gaze going back and forth between Richie and Connor.

"Yeah, we've got tons of-" a teacher walked by them as Bill was speaking and he lowered his voice, "you know what."

"It's just gonna be us, I don't know why you would get so much." Beverly commented. Ben, Richie, and Bill exchanged glances.

"Right- just us." Ben said quickly and changed the subject. "Anywho- birthday boy." Eddies attention perked to this and he looked to his stockier friend.


"You need to come at 8. Richie will pick you up." As Ben said this Richie gave Eddie a mischievous wink.

"Perfect." Eddie purred as he returned the wink back to Richie. Stan laughed and shook his head, a slightly disgusted look on his face.

"God, get a room you two." He joked. Connor sat awkwardly, but a soft smile came to his face as Stanley joked around, he had never seen Stan crack a joke. Mike was sitting between him and Stan, a friendly shoulder nudged him. He gave Connor a soft look, one to ask if he was alright at this table. Connor just nodded alittle and nudged him back.

Mike had been spending a lot of time with Connor, partly by Eddies request, partly because he just wanted to. Connor was a nice person to be around... now. They spoke often in the classes they had together and Connor took comfort in knowing that someone understood him.

Eddie was nice to him too, though Connor had no idea why. He nearly killed him and had hurt him so much, he would likely never know why Eddie was so nice. He seemed like he genuinely wanted to be his friend. Richie, however, was still less than convinced of what he called the "good guy act", though Connor couldn't blame him after all he had done to them. They still hadn't spoken about the past as Eddie had asked them to do, Connor wasn't sure they ever would.

"Eddie, you should invite your mom to the party. I'm thinking of proposing this year." Richie joked and tousled Eddies hair. This gained an adorable snort from the brunette who shoved him playfully.

"Yeah as if. She wouldn't marry you for a million dollars." Eddie stuck his tongue out at him. The friends joked around on and off. Their lunch time was coming to an end and they had only one day left till his party. "You should come." Eddie blurted still chewing his last bite of food and gesturing his fork towards Connor.

"I should?" Connor asked surprised.

"He should?" Richie asked at almost the same exact time. Eddie just smiled at them both and nodded.

"He should."

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