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"Are you ready, Edward?"

"N-" Eddie started but Connors hand slowly covered his eyes, pulling his head back against his chest and holding him there securely.

"Your present is inside, Edward." Mr. James said as he pulled the boy into the motel room with the number 5 nailed into the door. Eddie's limbs were shaking with fear as Mr. James locked the door and told him to sit on the bed.

"Mr. James, what are we doing here?" His small voice asked as he nervously kicked his legs, his eyes darting around to find an escape from the man.

"Take off your clothes, Edward."

"I- I don't want to..." he whimpered and cowered away as Mr. James grew closer. He grabbed him by the chin and yanked him forwards.

"That wasn't a question." He growled. Eddie's trembling hands went to slowly take his clothes off. A million things running through his mind at once as tears stung at his eyes. "Now then," he continued after Eddie was fully undressed, "take this pill, Edward."

"No, I don't want to take th-" Mr. James pinned him to the bed, shoving the small pill in his mouth and forcing him to swallow it. Eddie kicked his legs and arms. "Get off! Get off!" His hyperventilating made the room feel heavy. "What did you give me?"

"You'll be thankful for it later." Mr. James got off of him and slowly undressed as well. Eddie backed away as the man crawled on top of the bed and reached for his ankles, pulling his body towards him. "Happy 12th birthday, Eddie."

A searing unimaginable pain coursed throughout Eddies small body and he screamed out in pain, before Mr. James covered his mouth.

"Don't worry, the medicine will kick in soon." He whispered against Eddies now tear soaked cheek, still forcing his mouth shut to muffle his desperate cries. No, no, no, no, no, n-

"NO! NO!" Eddie screamed bloody murder, thrashing against Connors strong grip. Richie trembled now, the helpless feeling settling in as he watched Eddie scream and cry. Connor still carelessly holding the knife to the squirming boys throat and pressing his unforgiving palm against Eddies tormented Bambi eyes.

"He must be getting to the good part." Connor commented.

Eddie's innocent and groggy gaze fled to the door where he watched an older version of himself and Mr. James walk into the room. When he blinked, he was now standing and watching the man relock the door.

"He should be almost done." Connor groped Eddies head and shushed him mockingly.

"Quit fighting me, Edward." Mr. James was on top of 17 year old Eddie, pinning his wrists to the bed. "Take the fucking pill." He pushed the pill against Eddies tightly shut mouth before he dropped it. Eddie spat in his face and kicked.

"Fuck you!" He shouted and writhed more, getting his hands free and punching the man in the face.

"You're just going to tired yourself out." He said angrily, grabbing his shirt and forcing it off him, after punching him back in the jaw. Eddie didn't stop fighting, he kicked and punched and slapped where he could. Mr. James flipped him over and bound his hands behind his back. "Take the fucking pill. Or I'm going to make this as painful as possible. Either way, I'm fine." He whispered in his ear and plugged Eddies nose, waiting until he opened his mouth to breathe and shoving the pill down his throat, covering his mouth to ensure he swallowed it. "Good boy."

"Go fuck yourself." Eddie spat out, still fighting against him. Mr. James caught Eddies foot as he kicked him over and over to escape.

"You're bound, You aren't going anywhere." Mr. James slapped him around, grabbing him roughly as he forced off the rest of his clothing.

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