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The smell of fresh cooked bacon wafted up the stairs and into a bedroom at the end of the hall, sneaking its alluring fingers under the door and over to the small brown haired boy curled against a taller wavy haired boy. The savory scent pulled Eddie from his slumber and drew him to sit up. Breakfast... he thought as his mouth began to water.

"Richie," he nudged the sleeping mass next to him. "Someone is cooking breakfast." Richie rolled away from him and groaned.

"Who cares?"

"I do. I'm gonna go see who it is." Eddie carefully climbed off the bed, giving one last look to the hung over boy on the bed, before quietly opening the door and heading towards the stairs. Faint sizzling sounds could be heard from the top step, a breakfast symphony to his starving stomach.

"I'm sure it'll be fine. You were both really drunk." Eddie overheard Mikes deep voice from the kitchen as he approached.

"I don't know..." a softer, tired sounding voice came after Mikes. "I feel like I fucked it up more. If that's even possible." Eddie poked his head in the kitchen and spotted Mike frying some bacon at the stove and another familiar figure at the island, sitting with his back to him.

"Good morning, Eddie." Mike said with out turning to see him. "How are you feeling?" Connor turned around to face Eddie for a moment, before a soft blush rose in his cheeks and he quickly turned back to face Mike. Eddie stalked in and sat down next to Connor.

"I'm feeling fine, miraculously. I think I threw up most of the alcohol in my system last night." He rubbed his forehead and sighed heavily. "I'm starving though." Mike smirked at this and grabbed a plate from next to him, sliding it in front of the small brunette.

"How do you like your eggs?"

"Scrambled, please." Eddie smiled back at Mike and then turned his attention to the boy sitting next to him. "How are you feeling?" Connor froze for a moment, unsure of how to answer.

"I'm... fine. Thanks for asking." He shifted uncomfortably in his seat for a moment before turning to face Eddie. "I'm sorry, Eddie. For ruining your party. For everything."

"I know," Eddie replied softly, "it's okay."

"We should talk about the..."

"We should." Eddie agreed. "Are you ready to hear what I have to say?" Connor nodded hesitantly.

"Before you start... I did mean to. I wanted to kiss you, Eddie." He admitted sheepishly. Eddie pondered this for a moment.

"Fine, so you did. That's okay. But here's what I have to say... you don't like me like that." Eddie said simply. "When I said last night, that you were projecting. I meant it. I think, you think, you like me like that. But I think that you've been longing for real human connection and kindness for so long, that the moment someone showed it to you, you convinced yourself you have feelings for them." Connor flinched at the harsh words coming from Eddies adorable little mouth, they weren't said with malicious intent, but they were cold nonetheless.

"I'm attracted to you." Connor said quietly. Eddie nodded and shrugged.

"You're attracted to Richie too." A new heat rose in Connors face at this mention. "You can be attracted to someone and still not like them in that way. I think Mikey is attractive, but I don't like him like that." Mike winked at Eddie and chuckled.

"You're not too bad yourself, Eds."

"Thanks, Mike." Eddie laughed and shook his head. "I don't think you like me like that. I think you're projecting." He paused a moment before continuing. "And you should know that... I love Richie. As irritating and goofy as he is, I love him and... I don't foresee that changing." Connor nodded, obviously defeated, but accepting of this anyway.

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