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"Eddie! Come on this is the best song!" Beverly forced Eddie off of the bleachers and pulled him into the dancing crowd, kicking her feet in an instructional way. Eddie laughed as he reluctantly agreed to dance with his friend. Slowly, the other losers joined suit and begun dancing in a similar manner.

Eddie had been sitting on the bleachers for several songs, taking a break from all the dancing and laughing. He was still sore and achy from whatever happened to him the day before. Most of his bruises were hidden under his clothes, things he didn't want to think about tonight. Dancing was taking a lot of his energy and he felt the need to take a break every other song. His friends didn't understand this as they tried to force him to dance every song.

Richie watched the lively smile on Eddies face as Beverly twirled into his arms and then had him do the same. The smile set butterflies off in his stomach and he felt a smile of his own creeping on. That freckle faced brown eyed boy was the only person in the world who could make Richie feel so nervous yet so confident at the same time. He marched up to him at the end of the last song and offered up his arm for a dance.

"Here?" Eddie whispered, looking around cautiously.  Richie chuckled at the small boys hesitancy before nodded and grabbing hold of him, pulling him close.

"Here." He confirmed and placed his hands gently on Eddies hips, after guiding Eddies soft hands to his shoulders. The paranoia on the boys face was apparent, he was afraid of people seeing them slow dancing together. "It's okay, Eddie." Richies voice was soft and tender. "I'm here, everything will be okay." Eddie melted into the touch and swayed along with Richie, letting him lead the way into the dance floor. The dance was both graceful and clumsy, tripping over each other's feet and missing the count, but they wouldn't have had it any other way. Their hearts beat together, moving with the symphony of the song drowning out their atmosphere. It was just them, together, dancing in their own little world.

Eddie looked into Richies deep brown eyes, twinkly lights reflecting the excitement and love in them. Waves of passion crashed against his enlarged pupil, enveloping Eddie in its warm and welcoming current. He knew he wouldn't be able to pull away if he looked any longer. Richie leaned in close, mischief on his face. "Richie.." The sound of warning didn't reach Richies ears as his lips crashed down against Eddies, gentle and brief, but full of adoration and lust. "Richie!" Eddie whispered harshly as he pulled away, looking around to see if anybody saw. "What are you doing?"

"What? Don't pretend like you didn't like it." Richie said smugly. Eddie froze. Don't you like it, Eddie? Just pretend I'm Richie. Eddie's small hands pushed Richie away, hard. "Whoa, Eddie, what the hell?" Richie put his hands up between them, to protect himself from the small boy. "What is your problem?"

"What is my problem? Richie, are you kidding me?" Eddie rubbed his temples, irritation giving in as he turned on his heel and walked out of the crowd. Richie followed close behind him.

"Yes, what's your problem? Nobody saw us. I don't see what the big deal is, I thought we were having fun." Richie said as he followed him to the bleachers.

"That's just it, Richie. You don't see what the big deal is. What if somebody did see? Do you have any idea what my mom would do to me? She- she'd send me to a correction camp or have me admitted and put on fucking sedatives or some shit." Eddie raised his voice over the music. Richie just listened, he was used to little things making Eddie mad, this wasn't a new occurrence, it was what made up most of their friendship. It was one of the things Richie found so adorable about him, in fact, to him it symbolized things were finally returning to normal. "Honestly, Richie. Do you ever think?"

"Look, Eddie. Nobody saw us."

"Did you just kiss, Eddie?" Stan popped up next to them whispering harshly. Eddie glanced at Stan, anger in his eyes. Stan just took a careful step back and held his hands up in defense. "Sorry..."

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