to be happy

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There she goes wasting away
A smile on her face that is only a sham
Half a person a body with a missing soul

We grew up to fast
We grew up to lonely 
Why is it acceptable to be told to be fake
 all for the sake of someone else

There she goes filing in 
A smile painted over a Saddened face
Christmas day was not of joy
Oh the holly day of disappointments 

We grew up to fast 
We grew up to lonely 
Why are we hiding away the way we feel 
Just to try and feel something “real”

Now she's crying in the dark
He was nice that’s what she said 
Now she’s crying all alone 
How could the ember burn out so cold

We grew up to fast 
We grew up to lonely
We’re all supposed to be happy with that life
Fitting into a cookie-cutter entity

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