Chapter 7 ~Waking Up

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I woke up in a dark place. I didn't know where I was but I knew I was chained to the wall.My hands and legs had handcuffs on them and where separating them from each other.

I was in there for about an hour without anyone coming to get me so I guess I must have dosed of because the next thing I know I'm waking up and screaming in pain. When I looked in front of me there was Jeremy.

He had this smile on his face. I was just wondering what he was smiling at when the immense pain in my stomach came and when I looked down I screamed but not from pain but from horror. He had sliced my stomach wit a knife.

"I see your up sweetheart." he cooed

I nearly gagged but held it in. I looked around and that's when I barely noticed that the lights were turned on. We were in some kind of garage or storage unit. I was brought back to him when he slapped me.

"ANSWER ME WHEN I'M TALKING TO YOU!" he technically spat on my face.

"How long was I out?" I asked my voice still raspy from all this time.

"3 days, it was getting kind of boring but it's worth it for what I'm going to do to you."

I was about to ask what he meant but before I could say anything else he punched me in stomach and the wind was knocked out of me. Then he decided to give me a full on beating. He punched and slapped me. Then he lowered and un-cuffed the chains and put me on the floor. Then he kicked me until I was only gasping to breath.

When I tried to get away he only pulled on my hair and yelled at me to stay still. When he finally left I was just a mess. I had blood coming out of my whole body and there wasn't one spot that wasn't bruised.

Now I didn't know if it was the pain talking or that I'm just plain weird but while other people would be thinking "WHY ME?!!" I was thinking about how good it was that I requested a vacation for a month.

But that thought vanished away liked it had come because I hear a voice in my head and not just any voice, my mates voice

'Don't worry Eli, I'm going to bring you home if it's the last thing I do' he vowed and with that I let darkness consume me.


I could hear voices around me but I still didn't wake up.

"He'll be okay he just needs to be with his mate but until we find her he's going to have to wait."

Wait what does he mean find her! What happened to her! With that thought and nothing else in my mind I opened my eyes and sprang up from the bed they put me in.

When I opened my eyes there was everyone there. Stacy,Jessica,Daniel, and even my mates parents. The only ones that were missing were my mate and her brothers.

When everyone saw that I was awake it looked like the sighed in relief.

So I asked the only thing that was on mind.
"Where is she?"

"We don't know." I'm guessing my mates mom cried.

"The trips are already looking outside to see if the can find a trace of her smell to lead us to her but they haven't found anything. The only smell they found was Elizabeth's ex boyfriend Jeremy's smell." said my mates dad.

He wasn't crying but he looked tired and his eyes are red like he was crying.

"How long was I out and how long have they been looking for her?" I asked.

"You were out for three days" said Stacy.

"The trips haven't stopped looking for her since the day she was kidnapped, they aren't resting eating or doing anything the only thing that is on there mind is to find there baby sister." My mates dad said.

" They think it's their fault, because we just went out to get pancakes to surprise her because it was her first day of vacation." My mates mom said. "We all left in a hurry that we didn't even notice until we were heading home that we left her alone. So now they are thinking it's there fault and they won't listen to no one until they either get extremely tired or until they save their sister."

"I'm helping ." I declared and when I said that an immense pain came to my whole body. I had to lay back down but when I told them they just said that it meant they were hurting her. And with that I took of to help with the search

Even though she may not here me I still sent her a message.

'Don't worry Eli, I'm going to bring you home if it's the last thing I do' I knew that was a promise that I wasn't ever going to break.

Whoever did this better be scared because when i found them they were going to regret ever even touching her.


Hey guys decided to update early . I just want to thank all those who have been voting on my book since the beginning so THANK YOU. 👽
P.s Dylan (jacks best friend) on the side.

What is your fave thing to eat on Christmas?

Remember comment for the answer and yah

Toodles 🐶

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