Chapter 9~When will she wake up?

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It's been two weeks since we last brought her home. They rouges were well trained I have to say that but we beat them anyways.

We arrived every rouge was surrounding the place. Everyone attacked on my command except me, my beta, and her father. We went to go find Eli. I was running down the long hall and killing anything and anyone that came in my way. When we nearing the end of the hallway we saw 4 doors. We all opened one and they didn't have anything out of normal.

It had to be the last so I kicked the door open and there was my mate in the arms of that guy. I launched myself at him and wasn't even thinking who he was only that he hurt my mate.i started punching him and my wolf wanted out so I let him. My wolf and I killed him on the spot no hesitation what so ever.

When I finally looked at my mate my wolf immediately backed down so I could help her. She looked horrible. It looked like she broke a couple of bones and if they have been starving her. I went over to my beta and helped out my hands so that I could carry her. When he handed me her I kissed her forehead then we ran off. When we went outside there were dead bodies everywhere but none of my men.

We started running back to the her pack house which would only take us ten minutes.

' Leslie get ready!!!!' I heard her dad tell the pack doctor.

'Yes Alpha'

When we arrived at the house I ran inside and didn't bother with everyone staring I just ran to the pack doctor and she was already there with everything ready.

"Alpha, it would be best if you leave the room."
She said in a hurry while trying to get her heartbeat up on the monitor.

"I will not leave my mate!!!" I screamed scared to leave her.

"If you want her alive and breathing you will!" She said in her doctor voice.

I left from there but only because I wanted her to be alive.

When she was done she told me she was in a coma and she didn't know when she was about to wake up. that day I stayed with her and I still stay with her unless they force me to eat or I go and take a shower.

"Baby please wake you don't know how much I miss you please just wake up." I started crying again and before I knew it I was asleep.


It's dark.
All i see is darkness.
I can hear everything they are saying but don't have the strength in opening my eyes.
One day.
One day I'll open my eyes.
I'll try again tomorrow but I'll never stop trying.

Stupid wolf thought he killed me. I'm a white wolf I can make anyone believe I'm dead. I'm going to get her back. She's mine and no one is going to take her from me.

Just wait my little angel I'm coming for you. Just you wait.

Hey guys I finally updated it New Year's Eve. So happy early New Years.
Jeremy on the side.

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