Chapter Twenty Five - Past

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Warning: Chapter gets a little steamy 🔥


I think the most sinful thing that I might have done would be to use my illness as an excuse to get closer to Tyler.

The attack was real, there was no faking it.

It was something that I was about to do that made me feel guilty.

I told the doctor I wanted to see Tyler, not my mom and not Archer. Just Ty. She complied with my request without any qualms. It was funny how once you're sick, people around you do anything in their power to give you what you wanted. I fed off that sympathy and pity.

Tyler walked into the room, looking distraught and anxious. His dark hair was rumpled, and those azure eyes were hiding a storm. He regarded me with concern like I was a porcelain doll that would break with the slightest of touch.

I raised my hand out towards him in invitation and he took it silently and lowered down in the chair that stood next to my bed.

"At least I'm not dead." I made an attempt to joke even though it was lame.

The silent Tyler scared me more than the raunchy, sly mouthed one did. This boy here seemed like he'd been to hell and back and I took a little bit of pleasure knowing it was because of me.

I knew that was a very twisted way of thinking, but I couldn't help it. I was using illness to gain Tyler's affections. How very pitiful of me.

"I wouldn't dare joke about this, Vicky." He said grimly, nailing me with a serious stare.

I pressed his hand as tears welled up in my eyes, "I'm so glad you're here with me."

"Did this happen because of what I did?" He asked out of the blue, "Was it because I sucked your tits too hard?"

Despite myself, I laughed through the tears because of how forthright he was being. I shook my head, "No, it wasn't that. I was upset about my parents and thinking of them separating. That distressed me."

He nodded in understanding. "Okay."

The good thing about Tyler, he never tried to give you false reassurance that "everything will be alright" or some other bollocks like that. He was selfish, but he was also honest with me. He knew my parents were having problems; in fact, he knew it for a long time and had warned me when he'd spotted my dad with his secretary Terrie at a restaurant. And when he tried to tell me about it, I'd told him he was wrong and that it was a misunderstanding.

I wish I'd listened to him then.

"You scared me to death." He whispered.

"I'm sorry."

Seconds ticked by with neither of saying a word and just staring at each other.



We talked at once and then I was smiling again. "You go first."

"No, ladies first," He insisted with a heart-warming smile of his own.

"Just wanted to say that I really really liked what you did to me back at the party." Heat warmed my cheeks as I met his curious gaze.

You could never tell what he was thinking so I was always at a disadvantage. On the contrary, he had no problem guessing my intentions.

"I would love to do it again, Vicky if you allow me but we can't keep doing that and continue the farce of remaining friends."

Will the doctors have a problem if I start jumping on the bed out of excitement?

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