Chapter Twenty Eight - Present

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I stepped inside the suite without being ready to be overwhelmed by the opulence of the suite. The room was huge with a monstrous king-sized bed and floor to ceiling glass walls with half-drawn curtains. A table at the corner displayed fruits and what seemed like a bottle of champagne in a bucket filled with ice cubes. There were some papers sprawled on the coffee table with a few books. Clearly, he'd been working.

There were two more doors to the room that I assumed were a sitting room and a bathroom.

Tyler studied me with an amused expression on his face before he said, "My fantasies are probably getting the better of me. But, if fantasies looked like you, I'd want to stay asleep."

My heart fluttered because unlike me, my heart was a traitor. His compliments usually had that effect on me, but I'd rather die than show that on my face, instead, I took off my coat and handed it to him before settling down in a chair beside the bed. I would have loved to sit on the bed since it was tempting but I just couldn't bring myself to bait him yet, "Didn't think I could come either."

"Oh, you haven't." he retorted. "Not yet."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the innuendo and threw a pillow at him which he successfully dodged.

He was still grinning when he asked me, "Would you like something to drink? Perhaps some wine?"

"Yes, please."

I watched as he walked towards the suite mini-bar and poured a glass of wine for me and whiskey for himself.

"You should put on a shirt," I commented.

"Why bother putting it on when it's going to come off anyway?"

"Why does everything have to be sexual for you?" I folded my arms over my chest.

"I can't help myself when I'm with you, Vicky," he said like it was my fault. "You bring out the worst in me."

When he turned around, I noticed how his ass looked snug sexily in those jeans, perfectly round and amazing.

Great! Now I was acting like a perv and checking out Tyler's ass.

But really, you would have to be blind not to notice the broad taunt shoulders with muscular biceps and those mouth-watering abs too. God knew how many women he'd already ruined with it. When he turned around to face me, I saw the light dusting of dark hair on his chest and abdomen, a trail disappearing down into his jeans.

He chuckled and my attention diverted to his face. He gave me that same knowing smile but did not comment as he placed the glass of wine on the table in front of me and stood by the mini-bar, his butt casually parked against it.

I took a sip of the drink and it tasted great so I took another sip.

"I was having pizza." He said indicating towards the large box of pizza on the bed.



We said it in unison and I laughed, "You're a vegan now?"

"For the last five years." He declared proudly.

Why, god? Why was he vegan? Especially since it was hard to hate him that way. Then again, just because he was vegan didn't mean he wasn't crazy.

"You used to be a hardcore meat-eater. What happened between then and now?"

"I challenged myself to it. Gotta admit it was tough and I cheated a lot of times but eventually, it got easier and now I don't miss it anymore."

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