Chapter Fifty - Present

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Cover done by @MyWiFiSucks15-7-5 ❤️❤️❤️




I stared at the dead body in front of me, lying on the floor with his eyes wide open and mouth parted in surprise. Tyler hadn't even given him time to react and took his life without hesitation.

"How do you know he was going to kill me?" I asked him, "He said he was an FBI agent!"

"He was lying," Tyler said, reaching into the dead man's jacket pockets and pulling out his ID and showing it to me. "What kind of agent names himself Brynn Smith? That sounds fake as hell."

"So you killed a man based on your assumption that he's fake because of a name?" I screeched. "ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY?!"

Tyler pinned me with an incredulous look, "This man was not a fed, Vicky. He was sent here by someone to kill you."

I gave out a humorless laugh, "Why would anybody want me dead? Last time I checked I didn't own a GODDAMN MULTI-BILLION DOLLAR CORPORATION!"

"Of course, you don't, but I do and whoever sent this man here knew that you were connected to me in some way and they decided to take advantage of that. They wanted you dead so they could frame me for your murder. Do you understand what I'm saying, Victoria?"

When Tyler was super pissed, he usually used my full name.

"You probably just killed him because you needed an excuse to kill someone. As far as I know, you have an addiction for murdering people."

"That's not true." He said and muttered something under his breath.

"What?" Had I heard him correctly?

"I said I have a bigger addiction, it's..." his iridescent blue eyes bore into mine, "It's you."

I glanced away because the intensity was too much, "this is not the time or the place."

to be flirting with me, not with a dead body staring at us. I didn't say the last sentence.

"We could sit here and argue all day or I can stop this lunatic from getting us both killed."

"Look who's talking, calling someone else a lunatic." I snapped.

Tyler looked so angry at that moment, I thought he would lash out but he just stared at me like he couldn't believe what I'd said. He clicked the safety of the gun and put it back in the waistband of his jeans. "I have to leave."

"You're planning to leave the body here?"

"If I'm arrested, I'll have to explain that it was self-defense which reminds me I need to call my lawyer too so yes, I plan to leave the body as it is."

"I have to get home," I said, picking up my bag.

"Trust me, Vicky, that's the last place you need to be."

"Archer and Hazel are at home," I argued.

"I know that." He said, glaring. "But whoever is out there is after you so it's safe for you to stay here in the mansion."

"Where's Maya?" I asked.

"She's visiting Mom."

There was a faint smell of something...

Something burning...

"What is that smell?" I looked around.

There was a lot of sound coming from downstairs so Tyler didn't waste any time as he caught my hand in a firm grip and we made a dash downstairs when we saw smoke erupting from a room adjacent to one of the rooms. The maids were scurrying everywhere, screaming and running outside.

The Lunacy of Tyler Lockhart ✔️Where stories live. Discover now