Chapter 18 Sleeping with the fishes

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Chapter 18

Sleeping with the fishes

"Shh...Quiet! Are you trying to let every moblin from here to the never-ending forest know we've arrived?"

"Sorry, my leg got stuck in a gopher hole back there...or something. I mean, you're having us run through this tall grass like were being chased by Demise himself! It felt like something jumped up and yanked me, I couldn't help it. Could hardly see! No moon and not a star in sight tonight!"

The man struggled to keep up with his fellow infiltrators but as he caught up to rest, he let out an awfully loud sneeze. All heads jerked to face him as he blew like a trumpet, each waving a finger over their lips.

"Shh, quiet!" the leader whispered back, snapping back to pinch the man's nose before he could let out another squeak of a sneeze. They were all huddled now behind some tall brush, eyeing the shoreline below their position.

"I'm sorry," the man sniffed, a raspy cold in his voice. "It's just so terribly chill out tonight. This unholy rain we've been having ain't no help either."

"Be still man or every monster is gonna' hear that racket you're carrying. I told you not to bring any gear. Now drop your stuff and leave your sword and buckler. We're not going to need them where we are going. And do it quietly. There, over there into the thicket."

"What? Have you gone mad, how are we to fight!?"

"Shh, I said quiet. You can talk without having to yell in my ear ya' know. You're two feet away, I'm not deaf. "

The man crept a little closer and began to whisper. "Sorry...but uh, no sword or shield, eh? What are we to do then?"

"Trust me, you aren't going to need them. They won't be missed," Link replied smugly, wearing a cool smile on his face.

"Won't be missed! How will we defend ourselves?" the man panicked, raising his voice yet again.

"Shh...We'll be going in only with dirks. But still...we are not to use them unless we absolutely have to. Got it? Can't be lining the castle grounds with corpses, raising suspicions before our task is done."

The nervous and over anxious man gulped, nodding in agreement. Another voice was then heard to the other side of Link, soft as a whisper. "So, it looks like we will have to ferry across the moat. It's too cold for you all, so I'll swim across silently for us and steal one of those paddle boats they have docked. It shouldn't be too difficult."

"Yeah...It only looks to be two Bokos covering the post from what I can see. But, be extra alert just in case they have any friends nearby. Hard to tell with only two watch torches lit near them. Remember, without the masks, they can still see you. So, be snappy about it. We can't have them sound the alarm."

"Don't ya' worry friend, I'll be as quiet as the mist. And besides, Bokos are my specialty!" The Zora prince smiled. "If Snappy is what you want, then snappy is what you'll get," he said, dashing way ahead from the others who were following him, jogging in a single file line, keeping low to the earth as they made their way up to the shoreline, opposite to the island where the castle stood.

Sidon twirled back to face them, only just to perform a friendly salute with a farewell grin as he calmly strolled into the moat, careful not to splash or cause a further ruckus. And as his head disappeared beneath the waves of the water and into the depths, all that was left for Link and the others to do was wait.


"Your majesty, we cannot delay any longer, I must give the orders to march, or the battalion won't be in position to strike," demanded Simon, taking off his horse-tailed helmet to speak more freely. The camp was in an uproar, soldiers were scrambling about and assembling their gear, infantry and Calvary alike.

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