Chapter 1 ~ Im back

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Chapter 1 ~ I'm back

Immmmm BACCCCCKKK!!!!!!

Yes that's right I'm back!! Oh sorry don't know me? Well I'm Kamora Marie Cole! Yes that's right Keyshia Coles daughter!! Saying that use to be hard for me. Everyone except this perfect little girl to live in this perfect little world.... But no! I had finally overcome all of that an now IM ME! It's been a crazy few months no more nannys! The last one got fired if you didn't know! Yea I really liked her, but she was planning for me an this guy to like not click so say? I really don't wanna bring up old bad memories, because now I'm on the road BABY!!! \(^,^)/ whoaaaa!! Yes it's true I had finally found my little jump start to fame an now I travel with my mother now on all her tours! It's crazier then I thought it would be but aye! I love it!! But it's not just my life that has changed but so has my moms! I mean big career ahead an now she has a new boo thang! Yes his name is Daniel! He's really nice and a pretty cool guy! My mom actually for once is really truly happy :)!! And another thing! It's been weird now because we have cameras ever where in our home! My mom has this little tv show going on now called "Family First", it's showing people how we truly live life, because in reality my mom really does put Family First! :)


Mom: Come on let's goo lets goo!!!!

Me: (*tugging giant pink suit case out the door, camera on me*) I'm coming! Very heavy

Daniel: I got it :) (*lifted suit case up and left out the door*)

Me: yea you got it (*pointed to him*) I mean psh I messed with the wheels on that thing! Yea you! Ohh I give up!

Mom: (*came back in the door*) you got everything?

Me: yea (*i went over my check list in my mind*) yep its all good

Mom: ok great!

Me: let's go pancakes

(*a little black yorkiee dog flew down the stairs out side*)

Mom: (*closed the door an locked it*) his name isn't pancakes! It's nightmare

Me: his name is what ever at the time im hungry for lol (*i jumped into the new tour bus*)

-this thing was huge! When you just walked in there were two black couches to the right an left an flat screen hung above left side couch on the wall! When you walked down the narrow hall way was a little bathroom to the right! Down some more was a mini kitchen with a table sink fridge ect! Down some more a little room to the left, my room! In my room was a small full size bed with a pink, green and Brown bed spread! I had a 32 inch tv sitting on a black stand I had a color full light with purple, white, pink, blue, and green lights comin out! A window behind the bed was covered by a pink curtain an I had a little bench area when I could lay an a window was there! The comfort bench was piled with mini pillows! the room further down was another little bathroom and then a door opposite was my mothers room pass that was a little chill room with tons of windows and cool benches and a table!

Mom: well lets get settled we have a big day! (*there were little bunks that lined the hall walls*)

Me: 0.0 I'm enjoying this already!

Mom: wait till you see your room! Daniel decorated it for you :)

Daniel: (*stepped on the bus with my bags*) girl what you pack in this bag a candy store?

Me: mayybbee !! I got this (*i took my things*) thanks :) (*i walked down the bus opening doors until I found a room that I knew off the spot was mine!*) ohhhh snap!!! (*i jumped on the bed*) this room is super cute

(*keyshia and Daniel appeared in the door way*)

Mom: you like?

Me: like? I love this!! Aaa!

Daniel: lol

Mom: don't thank me thank Daniel! He made this possible (*she left the door way*)

Me: thank you so much! I love it :)

Daniel: no problem! Took me a while but I think I edit your special touch!

Me: it's perfect!

Daniel: well *sigh* I better go help your mom with all her shoes

Mom: DAN!! Come here babe! (*she called from her room*)

Daniel: an there's the signal!

Me: lol (*he left an close the door*) I turned around an glanced at every inch of The room*) I love it!


~night time has came I laid on my bed and fumbled around on my iPod in my pajamas! I was planing some things I should do in every place we go!

[keyshia + Daniel room]

Keyshia: (*both laying on the bed watching a movie eating popcorn*) who should give the tour speech

Daniel: (*never looks at her, states at tv while munching on popcorn*) umm umm not me! I don't even know why we have these conversations you know that's all you!

Keyshia: *sigh* (*gets up an heads to kamora room*) KNOcK

Me: (*i look up from my iPod and stare at the door*) come in!

Mom: hey baby! (*sits on bed*)

Me: hey mom :)

Mom: I jus came to talk to you about the tour plans!

Me: *sigh* (*i sit up*) ok what's the plan

Mom: ok well when we get to California imma be meeting up with wayne to shoot my music video for enough of no love

Me: umm humm ok

Mom: alright! So! So far I have performances in New York, Chicago, Cali, Detroit

Me: ok mom slow down! I know these are alot of places

Mom: I know I'm sorry but we will be spending more time in Cali and new York jus so you can do a few shoping

Me: now your on my level!

Mom: lol! *sigh* well you know your on the road you can start writing you Songs! Get a little something going

~ even thou I'm kinda no good at writing songs I agreed that I would try

Me: ok mom I will

Mom: and relax when your writing! Jus remember its all about bringing out what you feel! It all comes form here (*points to my heart💜*)

Me: :)

Mom: ok (*stands up*) well have a good night! I'm about to get back to the room before Dan eats all the popcorn

(*both laugh 😂*)

Mom: good night honey (*kisses forehead*)

Me: night (*watch her close the door and I got back to my planning*)

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