Chapter 9 ~ The Memories

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Chapter 9 ~ the memories

*Flash Back*

Jacob POV

~ she didn't budge so I was guessin she was in a deep good sleep. She must have been dreaming really good if she blowing me off. I was soaked an didn't want to sleep on the cold carpet so I slide my shirt off an hung it on her head board then took my shoes an socks off, I slowly slid in the bed next to her an wrapped the cover around me tight, I didn't want to wake her up but her skin was so warm so I slid close to her to get warm an end up forgetting about her being a person an wrapped my arms tight around her, I closed my eyes an fell asleep to the sound of the rain.

-no one POV

Kamora~ I was sleep when I felt someone put there arms around me this person was cold an kinda wet but I know I had got them warm I knew it was Jacob well i was hoping it was so I held his arms that were around me! He smelled really good even though he was kinda wet from the rain. I closed my eyes an drifted back to sleep


~ I sat up from the couch, I rubbed my eyes then rolled off the couch onto the floor on accident, I looked up and saw Jawan laided out of the couch, I stood up don't tell me I fell asleep here, I went into the bathroom and brushed up and cleaned my self I changed back into the clothes that dried from yesterday, I went back into the living room and tapped Jawan to wake up but he didn't move, i checked my phone and saw I had a text from my mom! I sat my phone to the side and walked back to him and twisted his titi he woke up then rolled off the couch

Me: ohh hey you up

Jawan: what happen!? Why you do that

Me: oh I'm sorry I did ask you to put a shirt on lol (*i threw him a shirt*)

Jawan: what time is it?

Me: time for me to go! (*i grabbed my things*)

Jawan: you slept here?

Me: yea I didn't even know my self (*i tied my shoes*)

Jawan: oh ok well bye I think I gotta practice today (*he checked his phone*)

Me: oh ok have fun

Jawan: wait don't you want something to eat before you go?

Me: thanks but I'll grab something back on the bus

Jawan: ok (* he opened the door for me and I walked out*)

Me: (*i moved my hands to fluff out my hair but I forgot that it was braided into a point tail I saw the tour bus sitting to the far left and I used my keys to open it, I wanted to be as quite as possible I didn't want my mom yelling at me asking where I had been, I stepped on the bus to quite-ness, I looked around and checked bunks and even my moms room and saw that no one was there*)

Me: humm fair enough (*i opened my door to my room and saw a sgin on it*)


Hey honey,

Me and the crew headed out tonight to a little adult enjoying! Sorry for leaving you alone for the night! Make sure you take the dog out an feed him! I hope your session in the studio went well! Be back soon

Love mommy

Me: (*i took the note off the door an walked into the room I saw muffin on the bed sleep he got up when he saw me he started growling*) I know I know hush (*then he began making these weird sounds as if he was trying to talk to me, I put him on the lease fed him then took him out for a walk*)

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