Chapter 14 ~ Good Good Night

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Chapter 14 ~ We gone have a good good night! 😜🎉🎈

- the game had set in and we were winning by 3 points me an Justin laughed and enjoyed each others company for a while........

Mom: baby that was a great game!!!!

Daniel: thanks (*wiping sweat off his forehead*) .....

Justin: well it was nice meeting you! :)

Me: yea you to I had fun! (*i gave him a hug then we each went back to join our families*)

Me: dannnnn!!!!

Daniel: aaaaaaa!! (*i ran a gave him a hug, he messed up my hair*)

Me: lol

Daniel: nice shirt if I do say so my self!

Me: there agreed!

- some guys and reporters came over to congrats Daniel on the game and took picture

Guy: (*in Daniel team*) dannyyy!!

Daniel: aye what's up my man (*gave him hand shake*)

Guy: aye look so the guys planning a go out for The win! You in?

Daniel: Uhh (*looked at keyshia that gave him the we down look*) yea yea


Guy: my man!! (*dapped his hand*) aye but I gotta get going so I'll see you tonight!

Daniel: alright cool

- we headed back to the tour bus and I sat on the couch as Daniel and my mom got ready for the party!

Mom: how I look

Me: to good! You sure Daniel isn't the only one you trynna impress?

Mom: (*smacks her lips*) you think you"ll be ok spending time here by your self?

Me: yes ma it's find! It's not like y'all didn't leave me before (*picked up a magazine*)

Mom: well here is some money and the pizza number if you get hungry (*she sat the items on a near by table*)

Daniel: (*came out the room*) how I look? (*he had on a dark blue like the night button up shirt on with a shiny watch and some black pants on*)

Me: good

Mom: hot!!

Daniel: 😁 thanks

Mom: ohh fix your collar baby (*she fixed his shirt*)

Me: wow Daniel you look nice

Mom: and smell good to (*she grabbed his butt*)

Daniel: whoaa whoaaa

Me: lol

Mom: ;)

Daniel: (* pulled out his phone*) well the boys are out side their ready

Mom: alright (*she grabbed her purse*)

- there was a sudden knock on the door. We all looked at each other

Mom: who could that be?

Daniel: I don't know (*he opened the door*) Ayee what's up!!

Guy: hey what's up dawg

Daniel: and you lil man

(*me and my mom looked at each other then the people stepped in*)

Daniel: umm keyshia this is Thomas!

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