Chapter 13 ~ Game Day

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Chapter 13 ~ GAME DAY

~ it was officially game day and we were in Maryland, I had on my #1 cavaliers jersey on to match Daniel and my mom jus had on an outfit to match the colors! I sat back in the stand as I waited for the game to begin. Of course I was left by my mom she was The type to always take pictures of everything! I got kinda bored so I went to get some snacks

Me: excuse me excuse me(*i pushed passed people to get to the stand when a photographer held me up*)

Photographer: your a cavaliers fan!!

Me: uhhh yes actually (*he cut me off*)

Photographer: I see your a Gibson fan smile (*he took a picture of me, that's when a million other photographers came and blocked my way!

Me: excuse me but I gotta (*people were yelling in my ear from left and right*)

People: how old are you? How big of a fan are you! Do you know how much that jersey will be worth!!!!

Me: I-I I can't understand (*i was being pushed around*)

Person: aye aye leave the girl alone(*i was pulled out of The piles of people*)

Me: (*i fixed myself*) thank you (*i looked up to see me face to face with a boy that looks around my age with a Cavaliers jersey on to*) oh hey

Boy: you ok?

Me: unm yea yea that was crazy

Boy: yea they always attack little cavaliers fans

Me: ohh

Boy: (*grabbed my jersey to see my number*) oh Gibson fan

Me: yea.... Well he's actually my moms boyfriend so

Boy: ?? Keyshia cole

Me: yep that's her

Boy: ohh cool

Me: (*we began walking*) The name is kamora

Guy: my names is Justin

Me: nice too meet you Justin :)

Justin: same to you kamora (*we walked some more*) so where you headed to?

Me: The concession stand! (*as soon as we arrived we both jumped into a short line*)

Justin: what are you gonna get?

Me: humm I don't know that pizza is smelling mighty good

Justin: lol

Cash year: hi how may I help you

Me: (*i put both arms on the conner*) unm can I have a pizza and a root bear please!

Cashier year: sure that will be 4.50

Me: thanks (*i handed her the money then stepped to the side*)

Cash year: and how may I help you?

Justin: unmn a fruit punch a hot dog with ketchup and a Cotten candy for the lady (*he pulled out his wallet*)

Me: (*i turned and looked at him then collected my food*)

Justin: (*grabbed his food, then we began walking back, hands me Cotten candy*)

Me: ummm thanks but you didn't have to buy me anything?

Justin: it's no problem jus trynna be nice (*bite into his hot dog*)

- as we walked in we saw the players warming up and people yelling and screaming every where!!

Justin: well I should get going my dad might be looking for me

Me: yea same here! Well mom

Justin: (*he flashed his perfect smile and took off in the opposite direction*)

Me: (*i stood there in a trance*) WOW (* then headed back to my seat

Mom: hey where have you been?

Me: unm no where jus got caught up

Mom: well it's a good thing you made it back just in time

Me: yea (*i lean back an began munching on my pizza I look up to the jumbo screen and see me and my moms face plated on the screen*)

Announcer 1: (*in the booth*) well would you look at that!

Announcer 2: what's that Jeff

Announcer 1: looks like we got some special guess in the house!

Announcer 2: could that be

announcer 1: miss cole and her daughter

(*i wave to the screen*)

Announcer 2: looks like gibson got some family support on his team

Announcer 1: wait a minuet he isn't the only on

- the camera changes to Justin

Me: (*i spit out my root beer*) Justin?!!

Announcer 1: looks like mr. Robison Brought his son to the game!

Announcer 2: aye Jeff you think his son will fall in his shoes

Announcer 1: we can only hope


- the screen shows Justin's dad rubbing his head before he heads off to the floor

Mom: ok we have to be really loud when he makes a shot ok!

Me: umm hummm

Mom: how was practice

Me: jus fine (*i leaned back in my seat and drunk my drink*)

- the game had started and I watched them run back and forth I sat munching away on this Cotten candy... There were some guys behind me throwing popcorn my way to get my attention! Every once in awhile I would look back but I inorged it for the most part

Me: (*my mom had left me sitting while she ran around taking pictures with the fans and daniel*)

Voice: hey I finally found you

Me: (*i looked up to see Justin standing over me, he sat down*) oh hey!

Justin: so how are you enjoying the game

Me: good! They don't look like ants from this point

Justin: lol

Me: hey. Can I ask you something?

Justin: yes sure what's up

Me: how come you didn't tell me that Thomas Robbins was your dad!

Justin: Uhh I don't know it just seemed to not slip out!

Me: what you thought I would say!?

Justin: *sigh* nothin. It just comes a point in your life when you stop introducing your self as hey im Justin , Thomas son!

Me: why? Does that bother you?

Justin: NAaa! I mean it's for the best sometimes you know?

Me: yea I completely understand (*i took a moment and thought about what Justin said, I use to not like saying hi im kamora keyshia cole daughter, because then at that very moment eveyone was so into to you and the way you lived, I looked over at Justin and he looked over at me and grinned*) cotton candy?

-- pic of justin

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