Chapter 12 ~ Were Playing BasketBall Ball

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Chapter 12 ~ were playing basket ball

~ the time has come! My mom preformed her last show in Cali! She went off to rest as me and daniel went off to the gym I had on -->

And Daniel had on his basketball practice wear!

Me: HAHAH!! Really them shorts😂

Daniel: oh hahaha laugh now but when I have you running laps

Me: 😳 sorry

Daniel: alight now can you set then chairs up for me while I warm up

Me: ok (*i took 3 chairs an placed one at the 3 point line and 2 at the free throw line corner, as I was setting up a group of guys walked in laughin and talking, I looked back at then and saw it was Jacob and his crew, *Da*n*)

~ the looked up and Jacob saw me

Jacob: oh hey kamora 😊

Me: hey (*itched my head *)

Daniel: (*came over*) alright ready?

Jacob: 0.0 hey nice to meet you Daniel!

Daniel: (*shook his hand*) it's fine call me Danny! Or Dan!!

Jacob: it's an honor meeting you

Daniel: same for you little one I seen your skills on the stage, the only difference is (*he grabbed a basketball*) mine is on the court. (*and shot it into the hoop*) you play ball?

Jacob: NAaa! Only just to get a little warm up in

Daniel: nice nice! Well don't let me get in you way

Jacob: it was nice meetin you sir

Daniel: you to my good fellow

(*jacob walked away and joined hIs guys, I looked away*) well he's a nice little boy! (*begin shooting balls into the hoop*)

Me: what ever toots your boot (*i shot a ball but it missed*)

Daniel: (*smacked his lips*) look at that!

Me: what?

Daniel: you have no ami! No form! Look look watch me (*he bent down then came up and shot the ball*) it's all about the angles you'll figure it out!(*he went back to his practice as I sat on the side and watched Jacob play with his boys, he was pretty good.... After a while I had gotten bored just sitting on the side watching all the guys sweat so I grabbed my own hoop an went at it for a while! At the end I was sweating more than the other guys)

Daniel: (*few hours later*) ayee kamora I'm threw with practice about to head out you ready?

Me: naw naw!! You go Ahead imma stay and keep working at this hoop

Daniel: ok cool! (*he watched me shoot then walked away*) it's all about the form!!

Me: (*i growled*) grrrhhhh {truth is not everyone can be professional basketball players like him}


-Jacob and his boys were about to leave when Jacob looked over and saw me hooping

Jacob: Uhh I'll catch up with you all later!

Guy: aright cool dog (*gave him dap and they left, Jacob walked over to the other side of the gym where I was*)

Jacob: see your struggling

Me: not really (*i threw the ball in the hoop and missed, I turned and looked at Jacob, noticing that we were the only on in the gym*) shut up

Jacob: lol (*he sat his gym bag down*) see let me show you (*he took the ball out of my hand*) it's all about where u wanna put the ball (*he shot it and made it*) and thats...

Me: in the hoop yea I know

Jacob: no I was going to say you wanna hit it on the little marked square but aye if that's what gets you hoops lol

Me: -_- (*such a joker, I passed the ball back*) you think you all that huh?

Jacob: no not really! Just trying to help

Me: no no! I bet I can beat you!


Me: yea come on joker boy lets play some ball (*i took my jean jacket off*) lets goo

Jacob: lol ok since you want this so bad (*he dribbled the ball then shot it and it went in, he threw the ball to me*)

Me: that's just the beginning!! (*i dribbled the ball around him and actually made a hoop*)

Jacob: nice! You actually listened to me for once!

Me: what ever

- we kept at it back and fort till the score became pretty high, I was losing like a dog in a horse race

Jacob: (*dribbled the ball*) last point

Me: not on my hands (*i tackled him as he threw the ball up towards the hoop*)

Jacob: (*we both hit the floor and the ball went into the hoop*) and the game is mine!

Me: you suck

Jacob: says the girl that is still sitting on top of me

Me: 😳 (*i got up and helped him up*) not bad

Jacob: your not so bad yourself

Me: thanks (*we grabbed our things and walked to the door there was a moment that we both walked threw*)

Jacob: sorry no you go first

Me: no you! (*i went in anyway*)

Jacob: lol

Me: what?

Jacob: nothin good game (*we both walked out side to the tour buses*)

Me: we'll I'll see you later later!

Jacob: yea same

Me: leaving out state tomorrow

Jacob: really?

Me: yea you know mom and the whole tour thing!

Jacob: yea I understand

Me: yep gotta go!

Jacob: well it was fun seeing you again (*he pulled me into a hug, even thought he was sweaty I still hugged him back*) well see you

Me: yea same

(*we both went our separate ways *)


-I opened the door to the bus. Daniel sat on the couch watching basketball

Daniel: how was that form

Me: let's just forget about it!!! (*i yelled as I walked passed him into my room, he laughed. I closed my door and threw my bag to the side and sighed*) yea see you later ---> video

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