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Katsuki laid soundly, unable to tell what time it was, if it was day or night. His blond hair tickled his ears and his dull red eyes scanned the room that he's known for years. This was his space. He could think whatever he wanted and no one would criticize him. He could roam freely around the room and he could jump up and down on the patted floor like a kid on a trampoline.

After years of being in here though, it began to grow old. Off-white padding surrounded him all the time. He was unable to go outside by himself, unable to feed himself because the first time they released him from his straight jacket he tried to kill someone. He was only a kid back then, and he had just lost his parents and everything he had succumbed to decay. It's not his fault they're so obstinate.

Katsuki found himself sitting up, his muzzle growing stiff as he clench his jaw. The door clicked softly and opened up to reveal a man with ridiculous red hair. His eyes scanned the room until they fell onto Katsuki, an empathetic smile gracing his lips.

"Heyo, how're you?" he chirped. The blond gave a bored expression, his brows furrowed into a annoyed glare as he took in his appearance.

The man had red crocs and light grey sweats was hung loosely around his waist. He wore a dark red shirt that was 2 shades below his spiky, unnatural hair and a black jacket had his hands stuffed in its pockets

Katsuki was confused for a moment, why would they let someone like that inside his room?

"I'm Kirishima Eijirou, your new therapist!" He skipped over to the blond and squatted, hugging his knees but not letting his butt touch the ground. "I read your record. Apparently you like to bite and kick your caretakers."

Bakugou glared at him, waiting for a threat to come out of his mouth like, 'But if you hurt me in someway, you'll pay for it' cause that's what his other therapists said. But boy was he wrong.

"You have it rough Huh? Always tied up in that straitjacket and unable to speak cause of this muzzle." He tapped the metal that was tied to his mouth. "They're treating you like a beast dog thing than a human who hasn't been able grieve properly."

     He stood up and walked to the door, leaving Katsuki confused out of his mind. He was so wrapped up in his own thoughts he didn't realize people were setting him free.

He growled at them, scaring the shit out of the people, but the redhead was unfazed and just smiled with a raised brow. "Man, you must hate them huh? Guess you have a reason though, I get it." He grinned brightly, showing off his white sharp teeth. Katsuki glared at him, confused yet somehow...relieved.

"Come on!" He offered a hand, but the blond just stared at it. He didn't know what to do. Should he take it? Hell no. He got up, shivering a bit since the room was kind of cold. Kirishima took notice and draped his jacket around him. Katsuki threw it off and jumped back a few feet, his hands gripping his now sleeveless arms in caution.

"Hey now I'm not gonna hurt you!" He waved his hands, his eyes softening a bit. "You're shivering. Please, take it. I got plenty more." His outstretched hand holding the black cloth. Katsuki took a moment to decide, he was cold at fuck, so he slowly approached, earning a smile from the redhead.

He didn't know why, but he felt warm all of a sudden, his stomach was doing flips and he snatched the jacket, putting it on while backing away. It's smelt really nice.

"See? I'm here to help! I dunno what those bastards did to you, but I'm gonna get you out!" Kirishima exclaimed, pumping a fist in the air proudly which made Katsuki look away sadly.

"Even if I do get the hell out...I won't have shit to go back to..." Bakugou muttered, Eijirou's face turning soft yet surprised.

"You know, I read your record, but I wanna read it from your perspective." The man sat down in the middle of the room. "Can you tell me what you're thinking?"


     It's been a month, and Katsuki was still not used to his new therapist. Every time he visited Katsuki would be set free from his shackles and had took every chance to shoo him away. He even kicked his shin once but he didn't even budge. The guy was like a boulder in a small creek.

Katsuki hadn't talk to him much, only thrice out of his 20 visits.

Bakugou, today, wasn't in the mood for anyone. He had a nightmare and he was sure it was early morning when he woke up because his lights were still dimmed and he didn't hear no chatter or faint footsteps near his door.

And the silence made him restless, and he stood up and started kicking the padded walls.

He kicked and kicked and kicked, each one getting stronger than the last. Tears filled his red eyes as the nightmare he had relived in his mind over and over again.

His lifeless parents.

The blood.

The picture.

The bloody picture.

The bodies.


Metallic smell.


He screamed through gritted teeth as he rammed his foot and knee into the padded wall. Bruises started forming, but he wanted the images to stop.

Not long after, he was being held down by the shoulders and he thrashed around.

"Make itsh sthop!!" he cried, the muzzle locking his jaw in place so he screamed through his teeth.

     "Make it stop!! Make it stop make it stop make it stop!!" he screamed. Then he started to laugh. He laughed at himself, at his pain, at the disturbed faces the nurses were making.

He didn't know if he was laughing or crying anymore. He just wanted the images to stop.

"Get the sedative!" A man yelled. All of a sudden, Katsuki went still, a little giggle glow king out of his mouth. He stared at the ceiling with wide and glassy eyes and a crazy smile on his face. He rolled over as the nurses cautiously let go of him. He rolled over to the corner until he hit a pair of legs.

He looked up to see Kirishima, his eyes wide with worry as he stared at the insane blond.

Katsuki giggled like a child and rolled away.

"Death is soon to come. We're all fucked up one way or another." He whispered through his teeth. He hit a wall and lifted eyes to meet the ruby ones of of his therapist.

     His eyes dilated and he began to giggle again. "Death will soon find us, and when it does we'll be at its complete mercy."


I feel like I'm writing a Bakugou version of Toga...oh well.

Comment what you think!! <3

Published December 29 2019
Edited December 16 2022

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