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A year passed. And since Bakugou didn't get to go to school, he did it online. He wasn't admitted to any more mental hospitals, only prescribed medication. Slowly and surely, he was getting his life back.

But Kirishima came around less and less, until he only visited once a month before vanishing all together. And Katsuki couldn't help but feel...lonely.

Sure, he was mentally ill and rude and wild, he knew that. But Kirishima was the only person he trusted not to leave. Yet he did anyway.

Katsuki didn't even say goodbye. The last time he visited, Kirishima told him the he'd see him later so the blond never took upon himself to say anything or even wave. He didn't know why he felt like a bunch of boulders collapsing on top of him every time he woke up when he was finally liberated from the nightmare he'd been living.

     He managed to get a job working at a small restaurant at the end of the street due to a nice lady who owned it. He messed up a lot, like broke glass cups and plates and he spilt a couple drinks on people even though he wasn't even a waiter. But managed to get enough money and buy a small apartment. His manager taught him how to pay bills and such. He didn't know why she was showing him so much kindness, but was grateful nonetheless since he didn't get a normal education.

     After a few months of just living on the floor of the apartment he managed to save up enough to buy some furniture and even got a second job at a grocery store to pay for the bills. He didn't like the job but it payed good money and the store gave him a chance.

     He didn't know how people lived like this every day. Working all the time like he does. But he needed to do his best and catch up because everyone he knew and met had already succeeded in something. He wanted that. He wanted success.

     He had just pushed up carts into a line when his boss came out to greet him.

     "Hey Bakugou! How're you?" he chirped with a wide smile that nauseated the blond.

     "Fucking fine. What do want me to do now?" he deadpanned, getting straight to the point. The brown haired male smiled a bit, scratching the back of his neck which made Katsuki gulp. 'Now's not the time.'

     "Well uh, my son is here and since I usually introduce all my co-workers to my son I wanted you to come meet him since you're new!" he explained, smiling easily like a father would.

     Bakugou bit back his tongue since he wasn't about to smart off to his boss. That's how he got fired at his last couple of jobs that wasn't the restaurant.

     "Imma bit busy right now du- ahem, Aiden. Lemme take care of the other carts since people are too fuckin lazy to put them up," he mumbled making the brunette sigh.

     "You're always working so hard Bakugou! I never even see you take your breaks when you're supposed to! You're gonna end up over working yourself!" the man scolded with a playful smile. "Come on, it's not gonna interfere with your pay. I promise."

     Katsuki bit the inside his cheek and groaned, taking off his jacket and laying it over his arm. "Okay old man. You better keep that promise or I'm quitting."

     "Who do you think I am? A politician?" Aiden joked, opening up the door to his office. "Denki, I want you to meet my newest employee!"

     Katsuki stepped inside with bad posture and hands stuffed into his sweats. He met yellow eyes and his own widened into one of surprise.

     "Hey there! I'm Kaminari Denki!" He held out a hand in which he just stared at, the flickered up to his face. The yellow haired blinked for a moment before his face fell and he gasped, jumping back. "Holy shit! You're that guy that bit Eiji's hand!"

     "And you're the dumbass that got his head stuck in a microwave. How the hell did that even happen anyway?" Bakugou scratched his cheek unimpressed.

     "I presume you two met already?" Aiden asked very confused.

     "Dad, that's the guy that was Kirishima's patient! The one that bit his hand!" Aiden swiveled his head towards him a bit surprised.

     Katsuki nodded before he even asked and the man chuckled.

     "Why is that something I picture you doing?" The man shook his head. "I forget you were instated in a mental hospital two years prior."

     "Wait, you knew? And still decided to hire me?" Katsuki asked confused. Why was everyone being so nice to him?

     "Well of course! I went to that restaurant you also work at once or twice. When I did a bit of research on you I was shocked but I decided to give you a chance anyway. You exceeded my expectations my boy." Aiden ruffled his hair in which he slapped away.

     Aiden the walked over to Kaminari and ruffled his hair roughly. "And maybe you can teach this lazy kid a thing or two about work effort." Denki paled and Bakugou snarled, already knowing what he was about to ask.

     "You've got to be kidding me. You're gonna hire this idiot and stick him with me aren't you?" Bakugou groaned in which Kaminari gulped frighteningly.

    "Bingo! You're so smart Bakugou!" Aiden went behind his desk and threw a vest at his son who yelped. "And you're starting right now. And Bakugou, hurt my son and you're fired."

     The two boys gulped.



I lied, there are a few more chapters because I have new ideas for this.

Published January 21 2020
Edited December 16 2022

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