C hÅ p t Ęr 4

531 31 12

The blond wouldn't stop thrashing and screaming when he woke up so the doctors decided to put him in a medical induced coma.

Kirishima looked sadly at the him, his pale skin almost finally meeting sunlight through a hospital window. Never in his 3 years of work had he seen someone so messed up.

Kirishima had a lot of patients, but none in which amounted as much importance to him like Bakugou. He wanted to help him, he wanted to see him genuinely happy instead of that crazed smile that fascinated him.

His phone rang and startled him from his thoughts. He picked it up and his face grew a smile.

"Yeah yeah! I'll be right there!" Kirishima took one last look at Bakugou and a strange thought crossed his mind.

'He's so beautiful...' He raised a brow, but couldn't deny it as anything other than a fact. Katsuki was attractive, that's all.

Even if he did happen to fall for Bakugou Katsuki, he wouldn't be able to be with him. Company policy, "Do not engage in inappropriate relationships with your patients."

But Kirishima couldn't help but wonder if Katsuki was actually crazy, or never had the opportunity to grieve. He saw how those nurses treated Bakugou, they practically treated him like a vicious beast, and so he was bound to become one over time.

Katsuki had never had the ability to go to their funeral, visit their graves or inherit anything from them because he acted on anger and sadness. He assaulted a police officer that tried to take him away from their bodies, that's natural. Any kid would fight in his situation, Katsuki just happened to do damage.

And he wanted that picture. Katsuki's guess is that he buried the memories to keep himself sane, that's not healthy.

     Bakugou is just...admirable. Kirishima can tell Katsuki is trying, that he's not giving up the fight even if he said Kirishima should give up on him. That he wants to get out and be his own person than the beast everyone thinks he is.

     'I'm gonna get you out, I promise.'


     Weeks past and finally, Kirishima got what he was after.

     He notified the doctors and they were bringing the Bakugou out of his comatose. They haven't given him any drug for the past 48 hours and should be waking up pretty soon.

     Kirishima waited impatiently, his hands clutching his paper bag as he stared at the leather straps tying him to the bed. It's quite surprising that his elbows weren't deformed from being in that jacket all the time. And his hands looked...soft.

     Eijirou held the boys hand, his brows shooting upwards at the callouses on his palms. He traced the lines on his palms, not minding that they were sort of sweaty.

     Katsuki started to move and Kirishima flinched backwards at the sudden movement.

     "Why the fuck is it so bright?" he groaned, tugging at the leather straps as he widened his eyes. He then tried to rip it off, along with his feet. "Let me go! Let mE GO!" Bakugou started to thrashing and Kirishima instantly jumped into action.

     "Hey hey hey! Stop it! You'll hurt yourself!" he pleaded. Katsuki glared at him and his face started to soften, his movements becoming much weaker. Kirishima cupped his face and that seemed to make him still. "I'm here. You're okay, don't worry."

"Kirishima..?" He furrowed his brow and looked around. "Where am it? Why am I..?" He tugged at his hands and Kirishima thought for a moment before releasing him, explaining as he did so.

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