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     Not even two weeks past and Katsuki already wanted to throw Kaminari on the ground.

     The little shit whined and complained all the time. He always got distracted by people he knew and girls that fell victim upon his horrific flirting.

     And he even forced Katsuki to meet some of his friends in which he replied by insulting him and literally dragging him away back to work.

     "Quit fucking whining before I kick you!" Bakugou yelled fed up. "I'm tired of your shitty attitude and complaints! If I didn't need this job so bad you'd be in the ground already!"

     "Oh stop it! What's the harm in taking a few breaks?" Kaminari shrugged with a dismissive hand and Katsuki growled, making him yelp.

     "The harm in 'taking a few breaks'," he mocked, "is that nothing gets done. I'm trying to put my shitty life back together and trying to catch up to the dimwits like you who take advantage of everything that's handed to em." Katsuki shook his head and popped a pill in his mouth, swallowing it dryly.  He stared at his prescription and sighed. "I've been taking too many of these."

     Denki fell silent as well as Bakugou. He didn't mean to snap at the brat but if that made him understand a bit then fuck it.

     "I just don't understand why people work themselves to the bone. They work and work and work until they get sick and unable to do anything. I just don't see how that's living," Kaminari said quietly. Katsuki turned his head towards the nights sky.

     "It's not living idiot, it's surviving. Sometimes you need to survive first in order to live. And to some people, working is living. Like construction workers get to travel and shit. Business men dedicate their lives to their precious companies. Waitresses get to meet new people and have fun while working. Sometimes surviving is living." He turned towards the yellow haired kid and despite him wanting to crack his skull open with his bare hands, he gave a small but tight smile. "I'm surviving right now, and that's all that matters."

Bakugou turned around with a thought that he couldn't keep to himself, "And I dunno, maybe he'll visit me and make life worth living again."

     He locked the strap into place and started rolling carts. Kaminari jogged up to him with curiosity. "He? Who's he?" Bakugou felt his heart leap into his throat but he smiled softly as he remembered that sunny sharp smile and that artificial spiky hair.

     "My savior. Still haven't forgotten what he's done for me that idiot," Bakugou spat, slamming the carts into a line before heading back out, leaving Denki behind.

     "Kirishima...I wonder how you're doing..."


After that conversation between the two teens, Kaminari started to actually try. He still complained on the job and still got distracted from time to time, but he wasn't a total crybaby, and always jumped back to work when Katsuki got onto him.

Today though, Denki was more excited, and was all weird during their shift. He'd usually ramble on and on but today he refused to talk to Katsuki about anything.

"I have to change out in a minute. My other job starts in an hour," Bakugou said when Kaminari told him to wait.

"Oh come on! Can you just call in saying you can't make it?! I bet they'd let you since you never had a day off!" Kaminari pleaded when he shook his head no.

"I'd be a fucking liar. I may be a crazy asshole but I'm not gonna lie to my manager." Bakugou deadpanned. He looked at his watch and groaned. "I have to change out, my shift is over."

"Oh come on! Wait for a little bit! Please?!" Denki whined, tugging at his sleeve.

"No! And wait on what? The fucking ice cream truck? I have to leave!" Bakugou shouted, taking off his vest and clocking out. He hoisted a bag over his shoulder and walked towards the door.

"Bakugou stop! Wait with me!" Kaminari begged. When the feisty man refused and kept walking, he ran up behind him and picked him up.

"What the hell?! Let me go you dunce face!" Bakugou was tempted to punch him but refrained since he'd be fired if he did.

"You said you had an hour left so just spare a few minutes with me!" Denki said, putting him down and Bakugou instantly shoving him away.

"The hell was that?! Do you wanna die?!" Bakugou exclaimed at the boy a bit flustered since he was picked up so easily.

"Damn, you're very light," he said, looking at his hands. "Either that or I'm very strong."

"I bet it's the former since you squeal like a priss at every insect that comes your way," he huffed, glaring at Kaminari. He looked at his watch and groaned. "What are you fucking waiting for anyway? I just wasted 10 minutes of my time."

"Sorry Denki! A patient held me up longer than I expected!"

Bakugou froze in place, staring wide eyed at the yellow haired loser who lit up in a smile as his gaze flickered between the voice and Katsuki.

"It's okay Eijirou! No need to worry!" Kaminari answered. Bakugou gulped and looked at his watch, wondering if he could book it without being noticed.

But it was too late. He felt their eyes on him and he turned on his heel, walking away, never turning to face Eijirou.

"Hey man wait up!" Denki called after him but he only scoffed.

"You've already made me miss my train, dunce face." He stopped when the doors opened and finally found the courage to turn around. He locked eyes with the redhead and his heart skipped a beat. He saw realization hit the man smack dab in the face and he couldn't help but smirk.

"It's good to see you haven't changed, shitty hair." And with that he left the building, holding his face in one of his hands.

'Holy shit Kaminari. I'm gonna kick your ass.'

"Bakugou wait!" He heard when he was halfway through the crosswalk. He whipped around.


He saw Kirishima and Kaminari running towards him they're happy faces morphing into one of fear.

He saw lights flash in the corner of his eyes and heard breaks squeal and he barely had time to react.



Published January 22 2020
Edited December 16 2022

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