Chapt Er 8

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     Despite what he thought at first, Kirishima talked to him every day, hung out with him between his jobs and during lunch at the store.

     Katsuki was content, and it felt like he didn't even need the medication anymore but he still took it cause he didn't want to go crazy.

     Bakugou got promoted to waiter at his first job and was very good at it. With Kirishima back in his life it felt like it was easier to be friendly, though he still spat in the drinks of those who were rotten. It was funny really.

Though he was glad when no one but Aiden (since he promised to keep it a secret) that he worked here. He didn't have to deal with idiots.

Well, today he jinxed himself.

He was taking an order of a customer when he saw pink in the corner of his eye. When he looked though he saw three more colors: red, black and yellow.

"It'll take a few minutes," Katsuki mumbled as he slid the pen on his apron and stuffed the pad in his pocket after he gave the order to the chef.

He sighed, already wanting to quit and go back to cleaning toilets.

Kirishima POV

Kirishima sported Katsuki instantly, like it was out of instinct.

"So THIS is the restraunt he works at!" Kaminari claimed, plopping down at a table. Mina chuckled.

"So this is the infamous Bakugou I've been hearing about?" she eyed him up and down with squinted eyes. "Didn't I meet him at the store once?"

"Yes, remember? He dragged me and almost strangled me with my shirt!" Kaminari whined making Sero and Kirishima laugh.

"Yep. He's got spunk alright," Kirishima chuckled. Kaminari peered at him before looking at the Bakugou with a confused look.

"I think he's got fans too," Sero said after he ordered his drink. The waitress tilted her head before looking over to where the group was staring. Katsuki was talking with a group of girls with an emotionless expression while the girls blushed and giggled. He was talking to them, and Kirishima could see he was slightly annoyed.

     Eijirou's heart hammered against his chest, his lungs craving more air than normal. This was the type of feeling he missed, and had to leave behind because of company policy. He never forgot about the explosive blond, about his crazed smiles and his calloused soft hands. He never forgot, so when he did see Bakugou for the first time in two years...

     He fell in love all over again.

     "Oh yeah, that's his fan club," the waitress chuckled, earning the groups attention.

     "What do you mean?" Mina asked, tilting her head curiously.

     "Those customers come in almost every day now, sit in the same spot, and Bakugou is almost always their waiter unless he asks to switch sections. It's quite amusing actually." She shrugged before writing something on her notepad. "You're drinks will be out shortly."

     The woman walked away. Kaminari seemed very relieved as he slumped in his chair.

     Kirishima's eyes drew back to Bakugou, who was giving a piece of paper to the girl in the middle, her eyes lighting up as the twins next to her glared at her. The girl with the black hair smiled sheepishly but there was something in her features that screamed jealousy. He didn't know if it was because of the blue haired girl or Bakugou but it was there.

     Katsuki walked away, glancing over at Kirishima's friends. He huffed out a scoff before disappearing into the kitchen.

     "...shima. Kirishima!" Mina waved a hand in front of the redhead's face who snapped back into reality.

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