Chapter 28 - Joy's New Job

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Two months passed by and Joy didn't have much luck in finding a steady job during that period. She would send out CV's and job applications wherever she thought she could work at and she really wasn't too picky. However, the jobs offered to her were minimal and they really weren't paying much.

Joy's parents encouraged her and told her not to give up - if she wanted this type of life, or any other kind of life, she has their support and she can fight for what she wants. Joy was very appreciative of this as she was at least helping around the house for the time being.

She was sitting in the living room, watching a movie, when she suddenly received a phone call from an unknown number.

"Hello?" she answered surprised.

"Hello, is this Park Soo Young?" a voice was heard from the other side of the line.

"Yes" Joy nearly stuttered out.

"I'm calling you for the job that you've applied, the one as a worker for our soup kitchen."

"Ah, yes!" Joy remembered. "So... Could you please tell me about the details, like what would my hours be and everything else? If you're hiring, I would like to start as soon as possible!" she eagerly added. She didn't want to sit around the house anymore.

The voice on the other side of the phone then explained that the hours and the pay were minimal, but she had the weekends and holidays off.

Joy sat there for a minute while she thought about her current situation. She was jobless for a while now. And now this came along. Sure, it didn't pay much, but at least it could be a start and she could find a better job later down the line whenever she wanted to.

Yeah... There's no need to give up. I'll take this for now and see what happens somewhere down the line.

"I'll take it! When can I start?" She replied calmly.

"Oh... great! I'm glad to hear that you weren't scared away by the pay and the hours." the voice replied surprised.

"Well, I have to start somewhere hehe" Joy replied. "Thank you for the opportunity."

"No problem! You can start next Monday at 8 AM, come down by the main city soup kitchen and we will show you the ropes."

"Okay, thank you once again for calling back, I will see you there!" Joy replied and soon they both hung up their phones.

Joy stood there for a moment.

Then she realized - I'm taking my first real steps into this world! I can do this! I am a person who can do this! She smiled with those thoughts in her head and felt pride.

Soon she gave the good news to her parents and they were very supportive of Joy's new job.

"My child working in the soup kitchen... Helping out others in need... I am so proud!" Joy's father spoke as he held both Joy and her mother in his arms. Joy was happy.

She soon got back to her laptop and wrote a message to Wendy that she finally found a job.

The two of them never lost contact - sure, there were times where they wouldn't hear from each other for days, sometimes weeks, but they wanted to come back to each other and that was the most important thing for them.

Wendy wrote about her current situation within the company. She wrote about the ups and downs and she wrote that she wasn't going to give up on her dreams because this is all she ever wanted from her life. Joy enjoyed listening to every single detail Wendy would share about her day-to-day life and she was very proud of her friend. Joy would also share with Wendy all her day-to-day events, even though she would always say that they are not nearly  as exciting as Wendy's. But Wendy didn't mind. Wendy appreciated having Joy as a friend.

Monday soon came and Joy was ready for her new line of work - serving food at the food kitchen.

The first couple of days went by and Joy was getting the hang of things pretty quickly. At first things started out slow and she needed to learn a couple of things about the place she was working at. Plates fell out of her hands, she had trouble while handling some food, but soon, with a bit of guidance and a bit of help on the side, Joy was ready to work on her own.

Joy was content with her work, happy even.

Or so she thought.

Because after a couple of weeks of working there, she started to have interesting dreams once again.

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