Resolution & Announcement

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Hey guys!

For the new year of 2020, I will be releasing a special collection of poems~
Each poem will reflect a character in the book where "Zypher's Promise" came from.
Adapted from children rhymes, they will tell you a bit more about the personality of Zypher and her group; it will also include a short author's note from me ; )

For the whole Month of January, I will update Flash Poet with these character poems every other day. On the days it's not a character, I will update with regular poems!!

Some exciting news huh? Well I'm excited anyways lol >.<

Now that that's out and about, my 2020 RESOLUTION!!!!

My new years resolution is to tell people what I think about them more often.

If I find them attractive, I'll tell them.

If I like their outfit or shoes, I'll tell them.

If I admire how they carry themselves, I'll tell them.

If I support their morals or actions, I'll tell them.

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