TWO; she sees him

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Jack's POV

"I'm Tommy Ryan," said the Irishman as we shook hands.

"Jack Dawson," I replied. He also introduced himself to Fabrizio.

"You make any money with your drawings?" Tommy asked. Then I saw her.

A girl in a blue day dress, her sandy colored hair done up fancily, as if she'd just come from a dinner party, despite the day being new. Her pale skin glimmered in the sunlight, her green eyes reflecting the ocean waves. She was beautiful. The most beautiful woman I'd ever seen. I watched her walk up to the rail of the first class balcony, leaning over to overlook the third class passengers or the sea, I couldn't tell. I was more captured by her beauty. But she looked sad.

"Aw, forget it. You just like have angels fly out of your arse than getting next to the likes of her," Tommy said. Despite his comments, I kept watching her. She wiped away a tear and looked down, then to the right, meeting my eyes. She held the eye contact for a moment, but looked away, nevertheless keeping my gaze fixated on her. She looked back at me again, smiling a little. I smiled back, until a large, older man walked up to her.

He grabbed her by the arm, turned her to face him, most likely yelling at her until he hit her across the face. The man glowered down at me, causing my smile to fade and my eyes to wander away. As soon as he turned his eyes, I looked back up as he pushed her back inside. I held the memory of her eyes in mine for a moment, then looked back at my sketchbook.


Elizabeth's POV

The day was alive, but I didn't feel it. I ate lunch with my parents, spacing out during the men's talk of business and money, as I always did. A fire burned in my heart against my father, hating how he spoke of my becoming a lady, and how desirable I had become to men. It enraged me how he spoke of me like an object, rather than a person. I jumped out of my chair. "Can I please be spoken of with more manner and respect than a business contract?!"

I stormed out of the room, leaving onto the deck to overlook the third class, seeing how free they were to do as they pleased without shame. I looked out to the sea, wishing I would stop drowning in the fantasy my family wanted me to live. I let a tear slip, but wiped it away out of spite for my own feelings. I looked around, catching the shimmering blue eyes of a boy who looked back at me. I looked away, trying to find another focus, but my mind dragged me back to the boy.

His beachy hair landed in his face, some of it pushed away by the wind. His attractive features brought a subconscious smile onto my face. His eyes were the color of the sea - calm waves that carried on despite the chaos around them. They were pearls inside the shell of my world.

"Elizabeth!" My father called. He grabbed my arm and spun me to face him. "How dare you make such an outburst in front of my colleagues?! You are such a disgrace to this family, Elizabeth! Good thing, I'll be rid of you in a few days time. Go. Back inside, go!"

I started walking away, my father glancing back down to see what I was looking at, or rather, who I was looking at. He wasn't the only one curious of who he was.

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