SIX; someplace fun

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Later that night at 11, I met Jack at the back of the ship. The moment I arrived there and saw him waiting for ne, I called out to him. "Jack." He turned around and saw me, so I walked up to him and hugged him. He hugged me back, sensing my sadness, and wanting nothing but to make it disappear.

"What's wrong, Lizzie?" He asked me, stroking my hair and I curled myself into his chest. I trusted him, he was my escape, I remembered. "Are you alright?"

"I don't want to talk about it," I said, sniffling and letting go of him. "Can we do something fun?"

"Like what?" He asked. The night breeze swept a few strands of Jack's hair to whisp in the wind, fluttering next to his head. The reflection of the stars in the sky made his blue eyes sparkle that much more.

"Anything," I replied.

"I've got an idea...." Jack said after a moment of thinking. "Come on," Jack took my hand and walked towards the third class dining area. As we walked down the steps, Irish sounding music was played from some of the self taught musicians and people danced with pints of beer in their hands, spilling it here and there.

"What's this?" I asked. He looked at me, the once fluttering strands of hair falling into his face, slightly covering one of his pearly blue eyes. I was tempted to brush them our of Jack's face, but decided against it.

"This? This is a real party," Jack said. "Someplace fun."

> later >

"Jack, I can't dance. I don't know how," I told him, not wanting to do it in front of all these people.

"Neither do I, Lizzie," Jack reassured. "Just go with the beat of the music. Like this." Jack started tapping his shoes on the table quite fast, but to the beat of the music. I tried to do it, finding that the complex looking tap pattern was actually quite easy. Jack looked slightly impressed as I kept repeating the tap pattern. The music sped up and others grabbed partners, linking arms and dancing in circles. "Come on, dance with me."

Jack reached to link arms with me, "Jack, no-", I tried to say, but he already had hold of me. With our arms chained together, Jack started spinning us around and skipping to the music. I couldn't help but to smile, feeling so encased by the moment that nothing else mattered now. "Jack!" He unlinked arms and took hold of my hands, spinning us in circles on the top of the table. Jack smiled at me, so naturally, I smiled back. I started laughing, as did Jack, and I could hear my heart beat louder for him.

The moment was so special. With our eyes interlocked, we were both happy. For the first time in a very, very long time, I was truly happy with someone. My heart had found its place with him, resting next to his without me even having a moment's chance to try and stop it. Not that there was anything wrong with that, though. I didn't want my heart back from him. Jack could keep it, as long as it stayed next to his.

Looking at the smiling boy in front of me, nothing mattered other than him. The money my father craved and wanted me to marry into didn't matter, the unending fortune put to my name didn't matter, nothing but how much I felt for this boy mattered. Not one morsel in my being cared about anything else then. His smile and his laugh took me to a whole new world.

"Lizzie-!" Jack warned, both of us suddenly collapsing on the table, dazed by spinning so much, with me landing on top of him. He looked surprised at first, at least until I started laughing. After a moment, he laughed too, both of us gazing into each other's eyes. The pit of my stomach fluttered a little as happiness sparked through his ocean eyes like fireworks. I glanced at his smiling lips, but quickly back into his eyes, rolling off of him so he could stand up. Jack did just that, offering a hand to help me back onto my feet. "Sorry, I tried to warn you."

"That's alright," I told him with a laugh.

"How about a walk?" Jack asked me, jumping down off the table and offering me his hand again. "Hmm?" I took his hand, only for him to grab my waist and pick me up, spinning me a little as he set me down on solid ground. We both smiled, our faces close enough for our noses to almost touch each other. The energy between us was so strong, as if there were a magnet inside each of us, tugging at the other. My eyes wandered to his lips again, wishing for him to kiss me, despite how silly of a wish.

"Where to, Mr. Dawson?" I asked in a sophisticated voice, causing Jack to laugh a little more.

"To the stars," he said, leading me back up the stairs and out to the deck.

"Jack, can I ask you something?" I questioned the boy as he allowed me to cling to his arm as we wandered toward the ship's front in the lightening sky, which was turning a deep red as the sun was nearing the sky.

"Anything, Lizzie," Jack replied. "Of course. Ask away."

I sighed, looking to the calm waves near the horizon as the glow touched our skin, hiding the blush coming over my face. "How is it that we met here? On this ship, and no sooner than two days ago?"

"I don't know," Jack answered, that strand of hair that made my heart melt falling back into his delicate face. "Maybe we weren't quite ready to meet yet."

"But I think we should have met a long time ago. If I'd have known you sooner-"

"No," Jack interrupted. We stood now at the very front tip of the ship's bow, the only thing ahead of us now being the golden red horizon. "I don't want to spoil it."

"Spoil what?" I asked in return.

"This moment," Jack said. He paused in silence, overlooking the glowing atmosphere as the first piece of sunlight peeked over the line drawn between ocean and sky. I looked to the same place, finding the peace in this fragile moment in time. From the corner of my eye, as I overlooked the rushing sea, I could see Jack look down at me, the sun reflecting from his eyes, creating specks of golden treasure in them. "Do you trust me, Lizzie?"

"Of course," I said honestly, looking up at him.

"Close your eyes," he said. I shut my eyes, the ocean scented air whisping past my nose and filling the air with a salty spray. I felt Jack's hand around my waist from behind me. "Step up," he instructed. I did so, finding my foot on the railing. I stepped up with my other foot, grabbing hold of the bar for balance. I felt Jack moving behind me. "Let go, Liz," he whispered in my ear. I let go of the rail, putting my arms out to my sides and opening my eyes. The instant beauty of the sunrise flooded my eyes, the feeling of Jack's breath on my ear soothing me and telling me I was safe.

"I'm flying, Jack," I said, really feeling as if I were flying. Not from where I was, the wind in my face, or my arms being outstretched as I overlooked nothing but sea and sky. But from being there with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2019 ⏰

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