FOUR; unforgettable

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"Please come back over the rail, Lizzie," Jack said to me, using a version of my name only close friends had called me. I let him get away with it, deciding now wasn't the time to correct him. "Please?"

"Okay," I replied. I turned my feet around slowly, being careful as I stood on the slick rail. Jack held one of my hands, trying to help me climb back over. As I got one foot almost over, the other slipped, and I screamed as I began to fall.

Jack dropped to his knees, grabbing onto my arm with a death grip, trying to pull me back up. "I won't let go, Lizzie, I promise! Just try and pull yourself back up."

I tried to pull myself back up, but Jack shifted and jolted forward a little, causing me to go a tad further down in a sudden moment, and I screamed again. Jack kept pulling me back up, and eventually got me high enough to where I could grab the rail and pull myself back over. As I got back over, I hugged Jack, slipping again and falling to the ground with him on top of me.

Two guards ran up into the small deck, seeing me on the ground, scared from the adrenaline coursing through my veins with my dress up over my knee a little and Jack looking down at me. It was no wonder why they went after Jack to cuff him, but as they tried pulling him away from me, I stood up and said, "Wait!"

The guards stopped turning around, and Jack looking back too. "What is it?" One guard asked.

"He didn't do anything wrong," I replied.

"How? You were screaming and he was on top of you, your dress raised up much farther than it falls." The guards looked very confused.

"I was leaning over the side to see the..... the..... propellers, that's it. I was trying to see them and I slipped. He caught me and pulled me back up. We both fell over. It looked different than what it was, I swear it."

"This true, lad?" The guard asked Jack, who nodded in response. They uncuffed him and left, muttering to themselves or each other.

"You didn't have to do that," Jack told me.

"I'm not going to let a couple of guards arrest you for something you didn't do," I answered. "Besides, you saved me first. I suppose I had to repay you somehow."

"Well then...... thank you, Miss Lizzie. I hope we meet again soon, under less dangerous circumstances, preferably," Jack said with a smile, a strand of hair falling in his face and swaying a little in the soft, night breeze.

"How about tomorrow? Noon, on the bow," I suggested, returning his smile. Even his smile kept him in my mind, my brain getting so hooked onto his drug that I felt as though I could never let go.

"I'll be there," Jack said as I began to walk away. I smiled to myself, finally having found an escape from the bleak life I'd been living for the last seventeen years.

After all this suffering of having everything material in the world, but nothing I could emotionally attach to, nothing to love or to befriend or to laugh with and enjoy life with. Just objects, money, an authoritative last name belonging to my father and his businesses. All I wanted was emotion, not material or physical. Something I can feel, something real and alive. Something I can live for and not have any set expectations for. Someone that I can just be free with. A bond so unbreakable that time can only strengthen it to the point where logic is thrown out the window. A bond so strong that I won't physically know what to do with myself because of how much I love this person.

Maybe I could finally have a friendship like that. Or perhaps more.

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