Character 8

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~ NiNi POV~
A week later

Taye been acting difference since last week when he came to the cookout at the park. I know somethings wrong but every time I ask he says "I'm good". I'm trying too get over it but it's bothering me. I was knocked out of my thoughts when I heard Taye on the phone.

"Hello." He said


"Oh hey Mrs.Williams , you okay it sounds like you crying?"

"......." He jumped off the bed and started pacing back and forth

"What? No that can't be true I just talked to him the other day."

"......" He took the phone from his ear and threw it at the wall making me jump.

"Taye why the hell did you do that?" I asked. He didn't answer just continued to pace. I got out of bed and walked to where he was. When I got to him I seen tears in his eyes that was being held back. "Baby what's wrong?" I asked worried.

"They killed him , they killed him , they killed my best fucking friend!" He yelled punching the wall repeatedly scaring me.

"Bae calm down , who killed who?" I asked walking to where he was now stands.

"They kill Jamal somebody killed him." He said and started crying. I wrapped my arms around him and held him while he cried. "It's all my fault, I should of brought him with me. I told him I would bring him down here when I got on my feet and I took to long. It's all my fault." We had slipped down the floor now.

"Babe it's not your fault." I said rubbing his back.

"Yes huh , if I would of been there none of this would of happened. If I was up there he wouldn't of been with them niggas and he wouldn't be dead right now!" He yelled. I just sat there and rubbed his back not know what else to say. I don't know how it feels to lose somebody close too me so I don't know what to say or do. There was a slight knock on the door then it open. I was happy when I seen mama J coming in. She walked over too us and pulled us up hugging Taye in the process. I just stood back and watched them.

"It's gone be okay baby , it's gone be okay." She said rubbing his back. He nodded his head and wiped his face. Something came over me causing me too run in the bathroom and drop too my knees in front of the toilet. I threw up everything that was in me. A few moments later I felt somebody holding my hair and rubbing my back. When I was done I turned too see it was Taye and mama J was by the door. He helped me up and I flushed the toilet and washed my mouth.

"You okay baby?" He asked with a worried expression. I love how he worried if I'm okay when he's the one going through something.

"I'm fine , I'm just worried about you." I said.

"I'm gone be okay." I have him a hug and we walked back into our room and mama J left. We got in bed and he laid his head on my stomach and wrapped his arms around me. I just played with his dreads.

"You remember the first time I came too see you?" He asked.

"Yeah, we were at the park by Shana's house." I said smiling at the memories.

"We stay out there for his even when it was raining." He started. "I told you that I don't let people get close too me it ion get attached too people cause they always end up leave. What just happened with Jamal is exactly what I was talking about. I get attached and love something it gets took away." He said.

"I know and I told you I'm not going no where unless you want me too. I'm still here even after everything we've been through and ion plan on leaving." I said.

"I can't believe they took my nigga away from me I just talked too him the other day , I didn't even get to say goodbye." I could hear his voice crackle.

"And you can talk to him still even though he not here physically."

"It's not the same tho."

"It's not but at least you know he's with you , watching over you and gonna be listening no matter what babe."

"Yeah , you right." We set in a comfortable silence until he broke it. "NiNi?"

"Yes babe?"

"I love you and thank you for always being here for me."

"I love you too bae and you know I got you just like I know you got me." We sat in silence again until we fell asleep.

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