Chapter 9

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"NiNi up , up" Kiely said as we walked through the grocery store. It was me, her, and Taye. Everything has been going great. His baby mama and mom leave the day after tomorrow and I'm happy Neshia is finally getting it my house. It's really been a long two weeks.

"No Kiely get in the cart, don't nobody want to hold up heavy self." Taye said too her. She mugged tf out of him and I started cracking up. She looked just like him the way her eyebrows flare up when she's mad and everything else.

"Pweeeeeaaassssseeee NiNi." She whines pouting. Aww how can I say no too that face.

"Come on baby." I said picking her up.

"You so damn soft." Taye told me causing me too laugh.

"I know you ain't talking she's got you wrapped around her finger."

"Yeah what-"

"Hey Taye." I looked up too see he was cut off by this short girl who was really pretty. I've seen her around some where I just can't think of where.

"Uh... wassup Manda." Here said but something was off. I could tell he was nervous about something.

"Look I'm sorry about what happened at my place last week. I didn't mean for it to go that far." The Manda girl said. 'Tf her place? Last week? Go that far? What the hell is really going on'. I turned too Taye and if looks could kill his ass would be dead right about now.

"So what did happen at your place?" I asked putting Kiely down and turned back to Manda crossing my arms.

"Oh hi I'm sorry I didn't even see you standing there." No this Bitch didn't she looked dead at me when she walked up. "Taye is this your lil sister or something?" This hoe got me fuck up.

"No bitch I'm his lady ! Who the fuck is you?" I said putting my hands over Kiely ears. I'm trying not too get out of character in front of her.

"NiNi come on let's just go it's not that serious." Taye finally spoke up. I looked at he like he was stupid.

"It was pretty serious when we were close too having sex Taye come on now." I started too walk closer to her but he put his arm out stopping me.

"Not in front of Kiely Ni come on." I looked down at Kiely who was staring up at me. I picked her up and walked up. This hoe real lucky I had baby with me. My blood was boiling at this minute. Fuck the real reason why I came here. I walked outside to the car out Kiely I'm her seat and got in. Taye better be lucky it took me a minute to get her situated and he came before I was down cause I would of left his ass there.

"Bae sh-" Taye started but I cut him off by putting my hand up. I started the car and drove off to go home.

"Kiely are you hungry." I asked looking at her in the rear view and finally breaking the silence. She nodded her head yes and I pulled into McDonald's.

"Welcome to McDonald may I take your order?" A lady said through the intercom.

"Yes can I get a chicken nugget kiss meal with a fruit pinch and a 10 piece nugget meal with a sprit. And 4 cookies." I said.

"Will that complete your order?" I looked over too Taye and he shook his head he didn't want anything.

"Yes that'll be all."

"Okay your total is 10.59, please pull up to the next window." I pulled up too the window paid then got my food. I'm so damn hungry. 10 minutes later we made it home. Taye went straight in the room and me and Kiely set on top of the counter and ate.

"Oooh this is where she get sitting on the counter eating from." Mama J said coming in the kitchen causing me too.

"Lol yes I don't like sitting at the table much." I told her. It was true I'm always sitting on the counter eating and I got Kiely doing it to lol.

"I see , so did you get it?" She asked looking over her shoulder making sure nobody was listening. I sighed.

"I was about too them some girl came over and pissed me off so I just left so I wouldn't do anything I regretted in front of Kiely.

"NiNi you gotta get it so we can find out."

"I know." I sighed out. Me and mama J have been noticing a big change in me and trying to find out if it's what we both thinking. She rubbed my back and left out the kitchen. I finished my food and waited for Kiely too finish and then we went in me and Taye room. We laid down and she cuddled up under me as we watched a movie. Taye came from out the bathroom and laid with us causing me too roll my eyes. I just feel like damn you going too chill with other bitches while I'm home with your child mom and baby mama who I don't really even much like. Then you didn't tell me about it you just kept it a secret knowing if I found out from somebody else it's gone be worse. You almost fucked a Bitch then come lay yo ass in my bed like ain't shit happen and had sex with me. This shit is pissing me off the more I thought about it. I'm just bout too take a nap so I can keep my cool.

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