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Minho glanced between Jimin and Jisung with confusion. Jisung was blushing, his head bowed slightly, finds playing nervously with the bottom of his shirt, while Jimin was grinning at Jisung and whispering inaudible things to the usually confident boy. Minho observed ruefully as Jimin put an arm around Jisung's shoulders and pulled him close before practically parading him around to his friends. A nagging thought pestered Minho as he watched Jisung's shy behaviour, did Jisung like Jimin?

Felix stared at his almost twin with an amused smile. Jisung looked beyond shy and whenever Felix caught him glancing up at Jimin, all he saw was awe. The red haired boy's chest swelled with happiness that Jisung was awed by Jimin and that the others seemed to be getting along pretty well with his friends. Felix ignored the fact that Minho stood a little off to the side while Chan and Woojin discussed a variety of topics with Namjoon and Jin. He allowed his eyes to roam over the group. Changbin and Seungmin were talking to Yoongi who was being surprisingly responsive and even had his gummy smile on display. Hyunjin was talking to Hoseok and Taehyung about dancing.

Felix glanced behind him as Jeongin's arms wrapped around his arm tightly. His furrowed brows asked the younger a question which he answered without Felix having to utter a single word, "I'm scared," he whispered in Felix's ear. The red haired boy smiled encouragingly at Jeongin, opening his mouth to tell him that he could relax, that he would be here for him for however long he needed when Jungkook approached them, his goofy smile already settled onto his face. Felix smiled back at his friend, waving enthusiastically. They had seen each other a few days ago, but to Felix it felt like it had been years, he had so much he needed to tell the other, but this was not the time nor the place to do it. So, he just greeted Jungkook and introduced him to Jeongin. Pride and joy swirled within his chest as Jeongin spoke animatedly with Jungkook as they bonded over being the youbgest in their friend group. As he glanced around at everyone once more, a thought popped into his head. A "what if?" that prodded his anxoety to nibble at his heart, sending it racing in a panic to escape the anxious thought. He just hoped that the night would continue to go smoothly. He didn't want any animosity between his friends, it was already bad enough living in a broken household where half of his friends hated Minho and the other half just weren't sure how much they could interact with Minho without upsetting Felix - which was ridiculous because what should it matter if it upset him? He wasn't worth all of the fuss.

Sorry that this is just a teaser :( I'm too tired and too unprepared for a proper chapter today. I also seriously miss Woojin 😢
@ dianekmtsu is in mamma mode and doesn't want me to push myself too much because I'm hella tired and should be sleeping rn, so this is the best I could do. I will try my hardest to get Chapter Four posted before the end of next week (and if I don't, feel free to dm me to remind me about it). And yes, the next chapter will include Minho's and Felix's POVs ^-^ and we will be seeing the two groups meet each other. I wonder how that will go? Feel free to leave a theory on what could go wrong- or right - with this meeting in the comments. Who knows, maybe I might include your theory in the chapter :)

(I'm sorry if I disappointed you btw)

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