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After Felix had disappeared to his bedroom, the silence had been boiling with tension. The glares from his friends weighed heavily upon Minho's shoulders, even hours later. While everyone else had dawdled away to their rooms, Minho had remained in the lounge room. He sat down heavily on the couch as his legs gave out. A raspy breath burnt his throat. His heart beat against his rib cage in frustration. Why was he so stupid?

He couldn't seem to stop saying and doing the wrong things. The wrong things. Things that went against what he meant- how he felt. He didn't want to push Felix away. Minho wanted to hold him close and never let go, but he was so afraid... If he wasn't good enough for Felix, then who was? If Minho wasn't what Felix deserved, then was anyone good enough?

A red faced Felix stormed into the lounge room, brown eyes dark with a brooding fury and merciless determination. "Get up," Felix seethed. Minho involuntarily flinched at the authority of his tone. Although the words were barely above a whisper, the air felt heavy with them. Although the words were barely above a whisper, the world seemed to be holding it's breath in submissive silence as if they were screamed. Although the words were barely above a whisper, Minho trembled with intimidation as his gaze immediately dropped to the floor after making the mistake of making eye contact with the boy he had hurt. "I said, get. Up."

Minho obeyed wordlessly. "I am not going to let you ruin my day again. We are having lunch with my friends and you are coming too, whether you want to or not."

Felix strode out of the room without hesitation, walking down the hallway with scarily even strides. "Hurry up and get ready. We leave in ten minutes."


They left not a second later than ten minutes. Felix had asked if they could walk to the restaurant as it was only a fifteen minute walk away from their house. Of course everyone was eager to agree. Minho even found himself nodding his head slightly in agreeance. If Felix wanted to walk, then they would walk.

Jisung went around from person to person, shamelessly requesting a piggyback. To which, he got a lot of stern no's as everyone refused to carry him.

"Just walk, Jisung, it won't kill you," Chan said, frustration ebbing into his tone as he listened to Jisung repeatedly whine. Jisung glanced at Chan with narrow eyes, his attack on Changbin momentarily halted as he grumbled out "You don't know that!"

Much to everyone's surprise and predictions, Jisung flopped onto the ground while making supposed "dying" sounds. As everyone stopped walking to stare at him, he choked out words that had Minho biting his lip to hide his smile at the younger's ridiculous actions.

"Chan hyung! Walking is killing me!" Chan stared down at Jisung with an unimpressed, raised eyebrow. A strangled cough echoed around the group as they all tried to hide their amusement. Even Woojin held a hand over his mouth, his slightly crinkled eyes giving away the mirth he tried to hide.

With a smile tugging at his lips, Hyunjin swooped down and picked up the "dying" boy, his poorly concealed giggles applauding Jisung's act. Chan rolled his eyes, sighed heavily and turned around to continue walking. Everyone followed suit, although sporadic glances were thrown towards the slightly stumbling Hyunjin who was struggling with the awkward weight of Jisung who had decided to koala hug his back. Changbin sniggered at the scene and received a weak glare from Hyunjin. Both boys knew that he couldn't be mad because he had brought the comedic situation onto himself (literally) by choosing to pick up Jisung instead of just leaving him on the ground.

Minho snorted quietly and ignored the looks he got from Jeongin, Seungmin and Chan.

"Hey, Minho hyung! Why don't you carry Jisung?" Hyunjin  called out suddenly. Minho's steps stuttered and and turned his head to look at the boy incredulously.

"Me? I don't need to because you are, Hyunjin," his brows were drawn together in confusion. Why was Hyunjin asking such a pointless question. Minho's question was answered a moment later when Jisung's eyes lit up with an idea. The moment Jisung restarted his theatrics, Minho glared at Hyunjin who just smirked knowingly at Minho.

"Oh, please, Minho hyungie! Please carry me!" Jisung whined. He began to weasel his way off of Hyunjin's back while staring at Minho with pleading eyes. "He is all over the place and it is making me feel motion sick!" Once again, all of the members stopped and stared at the dramatic boy. A few glanced between Hyunjin and Jisung and wondered if the former had some how transferred his dramatic nature to Jisung via physical contact.

Minho snorted and rolled his eyes. "Then walk," he said apathetically. He turned around and was ready to begin walking away when he suddenly found himself nearly toppling over as he was hit from behind by what felt like a great dane. He stumbled but managed to recover his balance. His eyes immediately narrowed. Sliding his gaze to over his shoulder, he made eye contact with the human who was now shamelessly clinging to his back. Jisung threw a satisfied grin at Minho and kissed his cheek playfully.

Minho, who had just opened his mouth to yell at the boy to get off of him, quickly shut his mouth and found his mind was uncharacteristically blank. He couldn't remember what he was going to say or how to say anything. He ignored the heat that was quick to flush his cheeks, quickly walking forward, his body adjusting to Jisung's weight easily.

"You're blushing," Jisung teased, his breath tickling Minho's ear. Minho swatted at Jisung's face, however, the latter only laughed triumphantly as Minho's face darkened a few shades more.

Unbeknownst to either boy, Felix's longing gaze followed them both.


Felix tore his eyes away from the two lovebirds and accidentally met Hyunjin's apologetic stare. He wiped away his frown and replaced it with a small smile and shook his head. It wasn't Hyunjin's fault that Minho didn't like Felix. It wasn't Hyunjin's fault that Jisung was the perfect person for Minho and made their hyung happier than Felix ever could. Being honest, Felix was happy that his almost twin was happy and that he was able to make Minho happy too.

It just hurt that he wasn't the one who could provide Minho with happiness- that he wasn't the one that Minho looked at with hearts shining in his beautiful brown eyes.

An arm slung around Felix's shoulder and his head snapped up from it's drooped position it had fallen into while Felix was thinking. Felix gave Changbin a genuine smile when he realised it was the elder who had put his arm around him. The shorter boy grinned back.

Neither boy spoke for the rest of walk to the restaurant, but the silent comfort was enough for Felix. Knowing that Changbin was there for him, made an unfamiliar warmth blossom inside his chest.

He felt... loved.

Heya! I finally updated HOE! I decided to break Chapter Four up into a couple of parts so that way it wasn't this huge task for me to try and finish before publishing. So, I apologise that the first chapter you get after a couple of months is so short. I didn't want to write the originally planned long ass chapter  and end up giving you something less than mediocre, so I figured breaking it into parts would work.
So now I can give you better content (hopefully), while giving myself more manageable chapter sizes. I am three weeks behind on uni studies and have exams in the next week or so, so I may not be able to get on Wattpad as much, but I will try to. And I will try to write, edit and publish the next part of Chapter Four soon ♡

Thank you to everyone who has and still is reading, voting and commenting on this story. It means a lot that this story that was inspired by a random tumblr meme at 3am in the morning last year is so well loved by you.

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