chapter 13

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I ran up to my house, grabbed one of my car keys and went to my car. No one seemed to have realized I was missing. That's good atleast they'll leave me alone.

I turned at the curb trying to look for Amanda's smell. It may have been just a tiny bit but I could still smell her.

Ever since that dream I had a change of heart. Well actually I always felt this way but I finally agree with my wolf.

I just can't resist my love for her. I tried and tried but once she left and came back its been getting harder for me to hold back my emotions.

When I seen her with that tall Guy,Logan. My wolf, wait no it was actually me, well I just couldn't anymore. I went up to her and said she can't be with him. Anger and jealousy was all on my face.

She had seen it but didn't care and left. Ugh sometimes I wish she wasn't so stubborn. I'm trying to help her. If she doesn't listen my wolf will end up ripping the poor guy to shreds.

Instead of getting myself riled up on the situation I focused on tracing the scent. I inhaled deeply and exhaled. The scent was getting stronger but is a long way ahead of me.

The speed was at 123 by now. I don't understand why but lets just leave it like that. She seems to be slowing down because I smell right next to me. I turn head slightly to the right. Nope she's not there. I turn to the left and she's right there. She was looking straight at me. Her face was a mixture between confused, relief, and anger.

The first and last feelings I get but relief. I don't think I'm seeing correctly. She should not be relieved to see me.

She started pointing to a chinese restaurant  that was a couple of blocks away. I nodded my head in understanding and drove to it.

Once I got inside the aroma hit me real bad. That very instant my stomach started growling. Might as well eat since its going to be a little while.

I ordered two shrimp lo mein and cokes before I sat down in a table next to the door.

"OK well call you up in a couple of minutes." The cashier said before writing down my order.

This place was very popular judging by way people line up most of them have take out food so there are still empty seats.

Five minutes later and finally arrived. I was still waiting for the food. I wasn't mad though. They are busy. She was a little lost until she spotted me.

Amanda sat down,awkwardly may I add. We were both uncomfortable. She caught me chasing her that's why.

"So hows it going." I finally said.

"Why the hell did you follow me." She said a little too loud.

"Well I thought you needed help. Plus I seen the face you mad when you saw me." I smiled for a minute.

"What... you mean the one of anger."she crossed her arms.

"No. You were relieved to see me. Don't deny the fact Mandy. " I leaned back.

"You must've been seeing things. And don't call me Mandy I never gave you permission to say that." She looked away but I could see a blush appearing.

"Your face says otherwise. " I looked at her face and pointed my finger at hers.

Immediately her blush increased. I held back my laugh.

"Here's your order, sir. Two shrimp lo mein and two coke that'll be 12.57." The waitress said.

"Here you go. Keep the change. " I gave her a twenty dollar bill and she went off.

Amanda's face showed shock.
"Your going eat all that. Whoa and you called me fat."

The smile was wiped off my face then it came back.

"Yeah of course I'm going to eat this. All by myself." I sang the last part. I was lying,of course. Her face were kept on the food. Her stomach growled loudly.

"I'm just kidding. I bought one of these for you."

"Nah no thanks I'm good. I don't feel hungry. I ate in the morning."

I was angry. She denying food. She hasn't ate until the morning ,yesterday morning. She's satarvimg herself. Its all because of me. I slammed my fist on the table gripping the glass coke enough to break it. She had seen this and hesitantely put her hand on top of my hand and squeezed gently.

"You know what. Maybe I'll have some. " she grabbed the plate and stuffed her mouth with food.

"Ha, little my ass." I chuckled. She just roles her eyes and continued eating. We silently ate our food in peace. I stoled some glances at her. Every time I did she looked up at the same time. Our eyes would meet but she would look away.

"Why did you get angry when I said I'll pass on the food." She put her fork down looking out the window.

I stopped eating. I was planning on telling her a lie but went against it. Atleast she's talking to me. I shrugged and said "Well I just assumed ,you weren't eating because you are starving yourself to become more skinny. I guess it's my fault for you doing so."

Its was awkward once again until she spoke up " I'm not starving myself. I just don't want to eat. I already have food packed up in car. It's not you or anything."

I nodded my head. Wow I thought it was all my fault. This time it was me who is hesitant. I need to know this question.

"Amanda do you hate me? Like for what I did to you."

She looked straight into my eyes. I waited patiently for her answer.

To be honest I don't know. I guess atfirst I did. You hurt me physically and mentally. I cried myself to sleep. I thought that all of what you said was true. My parents didn't know about you have done to me. They invited you to my house thinking that we were good friends. All you ever did was make my life miserable. When I left no one sent me card except for my family. I had to resist on eating so I can change. When I came back everyone knew me as the cute new girl. They didn't know it was me." She paused for a moment then continued.

"Once I said my name. They had disgusted face except for a group of people. They became my first ever friends. I loved them. Then you came along and killed one of them. I hated you even more. Now I'm here, stuck with you forever. No choice. So I guess you could say I DO HATE YOU." Her words hit me hard and I mean real hard. Her words dripped with venom. It killed me.

And she knew it was me that had killed her friend. I looked down at my laps not bothering to look back up. The chair in the front of me squeaked back.

"Thank you for the food. I hope you found out your answer." She walked out the door and I just sat there hearing her car engine turn on and leave.

I don't know what to do now.

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