Meeting My First Sky Person

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I am the angel.

The Angel of Death.

They invited me.

Invited a curse.


I saw pity. 

I saw hate.

I saw Death.

They know?

What can they know?

They have it painfully perfect.

I am not offered their live.

Their home

       Their safety


                        Their family

I closed the poetry journal. It has been a rather slow day. Only the three month old with a fever. The poor baby, he was the first child so his mother is in ultra protective mode. 

It had been a day since the people fell from the sky. It felt weird knowing they were out there. But I guess we are all afraid of what we don't know. Or who we don't know.

I was enjoying the silence until one of the warriors came carrying someone over their shoulder. I looked at the warrior worried. What if it was Ridge they were carrying? What if it was my best friend? What would I do?

I pointed to one of the empty beds, and the warrior placed the boy on the slab. The first thing I noticed it that it wasn't Ridge. The next thing I noticed was that I didn't know the boy, which was strange because I knew everyone in our tribe and quiet a few people from the other tribes. The third thing I noticed was that this boy was wearing the same clothes as the sky people. So I came to a conclusion that this was a Sky Person.

"What happened?" I yelled at Colt, the poor warrior will suffer from my rage.

"He got hit by a spear." Colt simply shrugged.

"So you took it out!" I screamed. How could someone be so stupid? The spear was keeping him from bleeding out. I grabbed the leafs that absorbed the blood best and put them on his wound, keeping constant pressure on it.

"It was hard enough to carry him even without the spear Buttercup." Colt said. I had always hated that pet name for me.

I motioned for him to put pressure on the boys' wound, he complied. As I went to get the water and clothe to clean up the wound. I began screaming at Colt again. "You're lucky I don't have a spear!

I slapped Colt's hands away from the boy and started gently cleaning the boy's wounds. "I'd like to see you try Buttercup." Colt chuckled. I looked up glaring knifes. If looks could kill Colt would be dead on the floor. I was going to say something, but the boy began moaning.

He kept moaning "Monty." I assumed it was English. The Sky People all seemed to speak it.

"How do you say 'you're going to be okay?'" I asked Colt. He told me how slowly. I then copied Colt's words slowly. They felt strange rolling off my tongue. 

"You're going to be okay." I said soothingly to the boy, but his moans for the Monty just grew louder. I grabbed the salve from the table next to me, and began applying it to his wound. The boy flinched from the cold salve against his skin. "Shh, you're going to be okay." I whispered again.

The boy seemed to relax under my words, his moans quieted for a moment, and he trusted me. Then his eyes cracked open. "You're going to be okay." I repeated, and he slowly nodded, and closed his eyes.

Colt left me with the boy. I didn't like the idea of being with the boy alone, something about the Sky People threw me off. I felt like I had heard of them before, but I couldn't place my finger on how I knew them.

"You seem like such a sweet boy. Why are you here, Sweet Boy? What were you thinking? What were your people thinking?" I asked the unconscious boy. He didn't answer.

I spent the day with Sweet Boy, making sure he drank water. Every time he woke up I would say the words that Colt taught me. He would say something back every time, but I never understood. I felt so helpless without my power of speech.

That night the warriors came back into the med bay. I looked at them, it was Ridge and two others. Colt was one of them.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Nissa." Ridge said pulling me into a hug, that when I knew. They were taking Sweet Boy. They were probably going to kill him, after I saved the poor boy.

I shook my head, a few tears escaped from my eyes. I hated death. Ridge just held me tighter, because he knew that if he didn't I would go after my Sweet Boy. Colt threw me an apologetic look and took my Sweet Boy.

It is pointless to save people. They just die anyway. Once Sweet Boy was gone I pushed Ridge away from me, disgusted.

"Nissa, I'm sorry." Ridge said quietly, like his sorry was going to change everything.

"Why did you bother making me heal him?" I asked. I was shaking my head back and forth, I had a feeling that I didn't want to know the answer. 

Ridge refused to answer, even though I didn't want to hear the answer the fact that he wouldn't tell me just made me even more mad at him. He didn't trust me to know the truth about what was going to happen to my Sweet Boy? Or did he think I couldn't handle it? Either way he wouldn't tell me, and I deserved to know.

Exasperated I huffed and turned on my heals leaving my best friend alone in the med bay. I didn't go far, because someone might need a Healer, and our other Healer was trading herbs with a different tribe today, so I was the only one here.

So I sat in the shadows of the med bay, far enough away so people wouldn't approach me, but with a clear view of the entrance so if anyone came injured I could get in quickly.

I was alone for a good ten minutes until Colt came and sat beside me. "He doesn't tell you because he doesn't want to hurt you." Colt said quietly. 

"I still deserve to know." I replayed with a strong voice, even though I felt like breaking.

"We are using him to lure his people into a trap." Colt said in a monotone voice. I nodded, I didn't show my emotions even though I was disgusted by what he just said.

"Thank you." I answered just as monotoned. I then stood up and walked back into the med bay. I can not run away from my problems. I would have to face Ridge, even if I didn't want to.

The Pic is of Colt

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