Day After

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Each day comes.

Each day goes.

We survive.

We breathe.

We run in circles.

But do we ever truly live?

Or do we just go through the motions time and time again?

I stopped writing. I didn't want to see where this one was going. It would make me question my life. 

I walked out of my hut. I was going to work. I made sure to time myself so that I missed the Warriors leave. I was avoiding Ridge as much as I could. I was made at him for yesterday.

I went into the med bay. The other Healer gave me a knowing look. I rolled my eyes. He knew I didn't want to talk about it. Kodiak knows me better then many, we work with each other so much it would be hard not to get close.

Kodiak had started as a warrior, but he got severely injured, his left leg is so impaired he can't use it, he then became a Healer. His leg has slowly begun to heal, but he walks with a permanent limp.

"I don't want to talk about it." I told Kodiak firmly. He nodded amused, and I gave him a glare. My daily drama should not be entertainment for him. Kodiak smiled and nodded.

We then got to work. Kodiak showed me what he got from the other tribe. Something that fights infection very well, and something that should stop major bleeds quicker. I began to crush the roots that stop bleeding to make a salve, while Kodiak tried to remove all the juices from the stem that fights the infections.

We were doing this in silence when Rain, the Chief, came in. I looked her up and down, trying to see where she was injured, but I didn't see anything.

"Chief." Kodiak nodded respectfully, still working with the stem. Rain nodded back at Kodiak. But then her dark eyes focused on me. I almost gulped.

"Nissa, It has come to my attention that you feel badly about the Sky Person that you saved." Rain said as diplomatically as she could. I am going to kill Ridge! 

"Yes, I don't think that we should hurt them until we know why they are here." I answered. I was proud that it didn't come off as defensive, it sounded like I was making a very decent point.

"Did Colt tell you that when we found the boy he was going to Mount Weather?" Rain asked me. I felt myself gasp. Mount Weather, no Grounder is stupid enough to go there.

"Mountain Men?" I breathed. No one really knew if they were real or not, but no one who went to Mount Weather ever came off of it.

"You see, we were protecting the boy." Rain said to me. She put my hand on my shoulder. I nodded to tell her I understood. She left quickly after that. And I went back to crushing.

I had been crushing the roots until I heard a distinctive moan. It was that sweet boy. He was is agony. I put my hand over my mouth to keep the scream inside. We are monsters. Whatever they are doing to him, he sounds like he is in such pain, it is unbearable. 

Kodiak tried to wrap his arms around me to hug me, but I slapped him away. I didn't want people comforting me. I didn't want anyone to touch me. 

He just kept screaming, and I felt the need to get away. I couldn't stand his pain. I had tried to save him, and now he was just in pain again. Maybe it would have been better if I hadn't saved him, he wouldn't be suffering now. 

I couldn't be in here. It felt like the walls were closing in one me, and I couldn't breathe. So I took of. I ran as fast as I could, as far away from his screams as I could.

I ended up at the jewel forest. You can't go far in this part of the forest without tripping over a precious stone. All the tribes in the neighbourhood had agreed you can only take a jewel if you are going to marry into another tribe. The only way to marry into another tribe is if you are making a trade, because in order to keep the trade on both sides they must have someone high up from both tribes marry.

I sat next to the brilliant rubies. I used to come her as a child often, I would always be so tempted to take a jewel back and lay it on my parents head stones, but it was a crime punishable by abandonment. And I would never be able to live without my tribe. As much as I hate them right now, I will always love them and need them.

I began singing an ancient melody that my mother taught me. It was English, so I didn't understand what in meant, but the song was beautiful. You didn't need to understand the words to understand the message.

"You're pretty good at that." A voice said behind me. I jumped up and looked to see Colt.

"Why are you here?" I asked. Kodiak probably wanted him to check on me, make sure I didn't go off doing something stupid, like I'm known for.

"I saw you run off. I got worried. Why did you run here?" Colt explained. His question kind of threw me. This place had always been kind of mine. No one ever came around here. This is somewhere I could always count on when I needed to be alone. Ridge never even came around here, I had never asked him too. But Colt here didn't seem to bother me as much as I thought it would.

I finally answered the question with a simple "I couldn't stand his screams anymore."  

Colt's face twisted into an expression that I couldn't quite read. He didn't seem to like what I had said, but it was the truth.

"We all have to do things we don't want to." Colt finally said. I nodded, but sat back down. I wasn't ready to go back to camp. Colt sat with me, and I smiled at him. He smiled back, and the two of us sat next to each other in silence.

Pic is Kodiak

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