People Fall

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 They want to go home.

They think it was just a dream.

But they are wrong.

They do not see me being quiet and knowing.

They wait thinking it won’t happen to them secretly knowing they will die.

They are right.

Pretending they aren’t scared.

They are not strong.

Not as wise as me.

Quicker and stronger am I.

I’m the sage that no one listens to.

They think they can fix me, but they are wrong.

They can’t fix something that isn’t broken.

Still no one listens when I cry.

They can’t help me till they die.

Lost in blackness as far as the eye can see.

Death still follows not far behind.

They think I’m evil but compared to him I am an angle.

If you listen now you can hear him.

I stand and watch as he takes them away.

Not a word escapes my lips for I have nothing to say.

I didn't really know what I was writing until it had poured out on the paper. Everyone knew that the Healers in my tribe became guarded, almost emotionless. The all knew it was because of the death we have see, yet no one comments on it. No one tries to help, they just watch as our happiness slowly slips away. Writing was the only thing that seemed to give me an outlet my emotions.

I was alone in the forest near the river. It was a dangerous place to be, but I didn't care. Once I had begun the road of Healer I began worrying less about my own safety and more about others. 

I turned the page in the small leather bound journal I found. I was about to write another poem when I heard a noise. I had never heard anything like it, but it was loud. I pocketed the book in my bag, that I was instructed to always keep on me, and then I took off running. 

The sound was getting louder and louder until it made a huge crashing noise. It was louder then any tree I had ever heard fall. As I approached the spot where the thing had fallen I slowed. Hiding behind the trees I watched as the mysterious fallen object began to open.

That's when Lincoln appeared next to me. He had probably heard the noise as well. Lincoln and I were from different tribes, but our tribes were friendly and as Healer I am accepted into any tribe to speak with fellow Healers.

"That thing feel from the sky." I told him in our native language (A/N anytime speech is italicized it is in grounder language), because I could not speak English; that is a is a right reserved only for the warriors.

"I know, I saw." Lincoln replied shortly. I nodded. We watched as a girl jumped from the fallen ship and landed on the earth. She threw her hands in the air and yelled something in what seemed like English.

I looked to Lincoln to translate. "We're back bitches." 

Then a swarm of children came out. Yelling like mad men. They seemed happy. 

"We need to tell our tribes." I murmured to Lincoln, and he nodded. These people may be a threat. The two of us took off running through the forest. We split up at the unity boulder, stupid name I know, and I ran to my tribe. The tribe of the storm people.

We were in charge of alerting the other tribes of the acid fog, and razor snow. 

I ran into camp, people were surprised by my disheveled state. Though I did just run about four miles.

"There are new people. They fell from they Sky!" I yelled. After I said it I realized how crazy I sounded. Thankfully our Chief knows I don't lie, and I'm not insane.

"How many were there?" Rain, the Chief, asked me. I didn't think to count how many their were, but I did know there were a lot. Defiantly more than our fifty warriors.

"About one hundred." I guesstimated, its very scientific, and Rain nodded. She then called a meeting in the conference room. All fifty warriors and both Healers were let in. I stood next to Ridge, a warrior who I was best friends with.

"These Sky People have come into our land and they are trying to take it! We can not let them do this!"  Rain yelled. She wanted a war. All the warriors yelled in agreement.

"Wait! we don't know that they are trying to steal our land!" I countered. But no one listened to me.

I went back to the med bay. One of the young children had tripped in the forest and broke his arm. I smiled as I set it back in place. The child smiled at me, and thanked me. 

That was why I wanted to become a Healer. I have always wanted to help people, I have always wanted to help things. . . and I have no tolerance for pain. 

Ridge came in to the med bay. I smiled at him, and came and gave my hand a squeeze. We had grown up in the same house because my parents both died as warriors. Ridge was like my brother, and he would often come into the med bay just to make sure I was okay. He knew me too well, and he knew that I hate the thought of a war with anyone.

The problem with being a Healer is you have to see all the death. You have to be the one not able to save the Warriors, you can only hold their hand as they slip away. I can't do that. If their is a war there will be alot more injuries like that. The ones that they will bring in, and I will already know they wont make it, and I will try anyway, because I always do.

"I don't want a war Ridge." I spoke softly, and Ridge pulled me into a hug.

"I know." Was his simple response, because we both knew that we could not stop this war. We would just have to watch it unfold.

Gif (maybe) of Ridge on the side

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