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AHHHH Murphy is finally here!


Like a river


Like the trees


That I know you are always beside me.

I sighed, it was the third poem I had written today. I am totally, and incredibly bored out of my mind. Kodiak had the day off, so I am stuck here, by myself. Alone and bored. 

I decided to clean (for the second time today). I hummed while I sang, it was another old English song that was passed down through the generations. 

I spun around the med bay singing into my broom, actually having some fun when suddenly I heard a scream come out from the front of the camp. I ran out of the med bay to see who was dying.

When I got outside I was slightly surprised of how dark and cold it had gotten. The med bay always had torches burning, making it considerably warmer in there than out in the real world. I looked out, feeling a bit frightened for the death that I was going to see.

It turned out to be nobody, yet. Two warriors were pulling in a boy, he seemed to be another one of the sky people. The boy was  thrashing and attempting to escape. He came close a few times, and when he did another warrior would push him back. The crew passed me, and I watched almost horrified at our second prisoner of war. It was unnerving seeing this one awake, and not near death.

Ridge stopped in front of me, squeezing my hand slightly before leaving with the rest of the warriors. I watched helplessly as they took the poor Sky-boy away. 

I went back inside the bed bay, suddenly no longer feeling like singing. I sat in there covering my ears as I heard them torcher the boy. His screams echoed around the camp, but no one was going to answer them.

Then he stopped screaming, and I got out of the med bay, traveling to where I knew the sky boy was being held.

Colt saw me first. He walked calmly up to me, even though I was fuming, and with a calm face said, "He is not to see a healer."

I rolled my eyes, and continued on, but Colt grabbed my arm, "Nissa." Colt warned.

I ripped my arm away from him, "Colt." I replied, admittedly kind of harshly. 

"I know it is in you nature to help, but this time you can't. We are in a war Buttercup. You can't be sympathetic to the enemy." Colt said, I know he was trying to help me, trying to keep me from helping this boy, and keep me from Rain's bad side, but I couldn't help but feel annoyed.

I looked at Colt for a moment, a long moment. I stared deep into his dark eyes, looking for a sign of remorse, for a sliver of humanity. And I saw, behind emotional walls there was a human trapped in the cruel mind. A mind that thinking torchering an innocent was right.

"You don't know me Colt." I said icily, before stomping back to the med bay.

When I went into the med bay, I grabbed as much healing materials as I could safely carry with me. I poked my head out of the med bay. It would be easy to sneak in where they were holding the boy. I walked quietly, I had never been so paranoid, I had never actually broken a rule before either, so...

I got into where they were holding the boy, which was a little alarming, I mean seriously! Children can get in here!

The boy's hands were shackled to the floor, he was bloody and beaten. His face was stained with blood, and I felt irrational tears form in my eyes. How could we hurt these people like this?

When he say me he started screaming something. Damn it! I forgot he spoke English.

I stepped forward, and put my finger to my lips, making the shh sign. I just hoped that he was able to understand what I meant. I think he did, because he didn't say anything for a second, he just gave me a deathly glare. Talk about rude!

I stepped so I was right in front of him. He was still giving me the death glare. I knelled down, and I saw a flash of something in his eyes, but I couldn't read it, because it was gone in a matter of seconds. I put down the medical supplies, and slowly, trying not to scare him I reached for a cloth and and dipped it in a bowl of water.

I raised the cloth up to the boy's face, but before I touched it he flinched back. I wanted to say something to him, but I knew five things in English: hi, bye, no, English (The word), and you're going to be okay, but I couldn't say that last one, because it was probably a lie.

I tried again, pushing the cloth to his face, even though he reared his head back. He looked at me shocked. But I kept cleaning the blood off of his face. I could tell he didn't trust me, but I didn't really need him to. On a few of the deeper cuts I put a salve on it, but he wasn't as injured as I thought he would be. He does a lot of screaming for a warrior.

He looked like he was going to say something, but I heard the door open. That meant a had a few seconds to get out before I was noticed helping the enemy. I turned around to look at the door, not opened yet. I then packed up the stuff I had brought and ran out of room, going out the back way.

I sprinted all the way to the med bay. My heart felt as though it was going to beat right out of my chest. Breaking the rules was exhilarating! 

I entered the med bay, and put my hand over my heart, trying to keep it in my chest. I felt an idiotic smile travel across my face. I had never done something this stupid before.

"Why are you so smiley?" Kodiak asked from the other side of the med bay. My head snapped over to him, and I put down the supplies in my arms. I slowly attempted to calm my thundering heart.

"What, I'm not allowed to have fun?" I asked. I glanced over at Kodiak as I did so. He was leaning against one of the shelves stacked with medicines. His arms were crossed, he looked as though he was my father and I was caught breaking my curfew with a boy. Though the amused smile did kind of make him seem less father like, and more best-friend-spill-the-details look.

Our small moment of bliss was cut short when Colt came into the med bay. Kodiak took it as his cue to leave, he passed close by me, and whispered in my ear, "Not in this line of work." Before he left the med bay all together.

It took me a second to realize he was answering my question, because even though it was seconds ago with Colt here it left like another life-time ago. I looked at Colt crossing my arms over my chest, because I am still mad at him. Very mad.

"I'm sorry." Was all he said. And I nodded to this. 

Colt seemed as though he was always apologizing. And when he wasn't apologizing for himself he was apologizing for others.

"Thank you." I answered, and I kissed his cheek before exiting the med bay. Leaving him alone. 

It wasn't until I left, that I really thought about it. That's when I realized something, something terrifying, I had left the cloth with the Sky Person. 

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