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Rose P.O.V

My hands were trembling. My tears were running down my face. This is not right! Key can't be the same person as the boy who used to write me. That boy was sweet , warm-hearted and caring, while Key..... he is..... well..... different and not in a good way. Key is the opposite of that boy. Key is not him. It's just a coincidence. Yes , that's it! A coincidence!

I wiped my eyes and tried to normalised myself.

Key is NOT that boy.

I put the letters back to the box and closed it. I called Onew oppa and he helped me putting it back.

"Are you okay? Your eyes are puffy.  Did you cry , by any chance? " He asked concerned. I gave him an little smile.
"I'm fine don't worry." He let out a sigh. He walked to my bed and seated down on the edge of it.

"You are not. I can clearly see that something is bothering you. Please,  Rose, tell me what is it." But I just looked down on my hands. I heard him sigh again. "Listen to me Rose. We , me , Jonghyun, Minho, Teamin and Lili, we just want to be your friend and build a strong bond together. We want you to treat us like your friends , normal people,  and not like some freaks , killers or what so ever you can possibly think off. We act like a family,  if you haven't noticed,  we shere everything with each other and we try to come with a solution to it. I know that you don't like us ,or even hate us, but trust me when I say we just want to make you feel at home and to not have any problems with one other. As the oldest,  even though I work for Key,  I want that everyone in this household to feel like they are at their actual home. In the end of the day we all are humans and we do miss our homes,  even though they don't want us. It is up to you whether you want to be part of this family or not. I know that you are waiting for your parents to earn the amount of money they own to Key  , give to him and you'll get out of here."

That last sentence made me confused and I could tell that understand it.

"I know that because I heard you. Plus I can think that much myself. It's logical. But in the mean time you are still living with us , so why not get along? We only want to make you feel comfortable."

I understand Onew but it's not that easy as he make it look like.

"I know that you want the best for us but I can't help myself. It's not easy to trust the people that, basically , are holding you back."

"I understand you too. But when ever you are ready and want someone to talk to, you can always talk to one of us."

"I'll keep that in mind." I said to him and gave him a smile. He returned it , patting my hand and then left.

Onew is right. Being like a stranger to them won't help me. I'll try and be a little bit more relaxed and friendly around them. But to Key,  I'll sill be like this. I need to know what the hell is going on, but till he says me , I'm not going to stop.

I was feeling a little bit tired so I thought why not go to sleep? I took some pain killers, because my head was spinning. Not long after I felt myself drift to a deep sleep.

A few hours later......

I heard the gun shooting, things being thrown in the ground and all this seemed to be in the same room as me. I opened my eyes on terror. I drifted my eyes from one side to the other. 

Key, Jonghyun oppa, Onew oppa,  Minho oppa ,  Teamin , Lili  and to my big surprise,  Jackson,  they were all surrounding my bed. They had their guns pointed in front of them. That was the moment I realised that there were other people in the room. I tried to make out who they were , but I had no idea.

Married to mafia / Shinee Key ffWhere stories live. Discover now