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I want to skip Jackson's funeral. I don't want to write about it. Please understand.  But I'll say it shortly what has happened.

Thanks. Enjoy.


Rose P.O.V

It's has been a week since that fatal night. We made Jackson's funeral here. His parents came all the way from China, they were davestated. His mother cried on my shoulder all the time. I loved her as my own mother and she as her own daughter.  After 3 days, they left because they had their business going on. I feel so bad and sorry for his family. I felt like I was the reason why their son was not anymore alive.

The past week I've cried more than my whole life. Every night I could cry myself to sleep, after being torture from the nightmares and that scene recreating on my dreams, I would wake up in the morning with bags under my eyes and the worst headache ever. I wouldn't get out of the room, or talk to anyone, I would get out of the room when I was thirsty and when I was so hungry that I couldn't ignore it. The boys and Lili made everything they could to cheer me up when they saw me but I would just  ignore them all. I feel bad for doing so but what else can I do? All this things happening,  I can't just ignore them and pretend like nothing happened. But I still had so many questions that were unanswered in my head. So I decided to get the answers that I wanted today.

Before going out of my room I decided to have a shower,  brush my hair and put them up on a ponytail,  made a little bit of make up so I could cover my bags, I wore a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie, after being seen one last time on the mirror I headed out to the living room.

I was met with Lili and Jonghyun  oppa who where seating on the couch. When I stepped on the living room the floor made a cracking sound , which made them both turn their heads on my way. I see that they were surprised to see me out of my room and even more to see me like going in the living room where they were.

"Hi!" I said almost inaudible. They raised their eyebrows in surprise.
"Hi! How are you feeling now?" Jonghyun asked with sympathy in his voice and eyes.
"A little better! How are you guys?" I asked them as I took place on the big couch myself.
"We are good!" Lili responded.
"I want to talk with you all about somethings. Could one of you please call the others to join us here ? Are they in the house,  anyway?" I asked and looked around us.
"I'll call Teamin and Onew oppa. Oppa ,can you call Key and Minho oppa? " Lili said and he nodded. 

I see one of them went upstairs and the other one out on the garden. Not long after I see Taemin, Onew oppa and Lili coming from the garden and the others from upstairs. All of them had a confused and shocked look placed on their faces. I told them to have a seat and they didn't said no. Key took a seat next to me and the others on the rest of the couch.

"How are you?" Key asked with a voice so gentle,  like a wrong  word that he was going to take out of his mouth was going to brake me.
"I'm going to be fine! How are you guys?" I asked them. They just nodded their heads and some fine's could be heard in the air. I took a big breath before speaking up.

"I want to ask you guys some questions. I want you all to tell me what you know and to answer me truthfully. I don't want any lies or you skipping anything. I'm being drugged in this case too, so I have the right to know everything. So can you all do that for me?"

"Sure! Ask away." Key said and they all were all ears and eyes.

"To start with,  what was Jackson doing in my room that day? And how did he had that gun on his hands?" I looked at them.

This questions was eating me alive the past days. I see them looking at each other as to ask who was going to answer.  So I just kept quiet and waited for them.

Married to mafia / Shinee Key ffWhere stories live. Discover now