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The morning came by and once again I had to get up and started a new day. I looked at my alarm clock and it showed 6:30 am. 

Lazily , I got up from my bed to get ready. After doing my morning routine , I headed out to the kitchen. I let my coat and bag at the living room couch and saw that Shawn was already up. What surprised me more was the fact that he was also cooking.

"Good morning! " I greeted confused as to why he was cooking. He noticed me and just looked at me for a slip of a second , then went back to his cooking.
"Good morning! Did you sleep well?" He asked continuing to cook. I looked at the table and he had already prepared the coffee, scrambled eggs, bacon and was now making some pancakes.
"I did. How was your sleep? "

I see him being finished with cooking , turing off the stove and getting a big plate with a lot of pancakes in it. He placed them in the middle of the table and offered me a seat. I gladly took it.

"Help yourself! "He offered and I put some pancakes on my plate with a little bit of honey on top of them.

"Mind telling me what the occasion is?" I asked at him as I took a bite of the pancakes. Man this was good! It was soft as a cloud. Really yummy!

"What do you mean? " He asked. I finished my bite first , then went on talking.
"You cooking breakfast. This is really good, by the way." I said taking another bite.
"I'm glad you like it! I wanted to do something in return as you made breakfast for me yesterday and agreeing on helping me."
"Are you indirectly saying thank you to me?" I put a hand on my chest, acting like I was touched.
"Take it was you like, Rose."
"Fine , fine. I'll let this go. We can continue to eat our breakfast in peace."

That that's what we did. It was silence the whole time. It was a little bit awkward but I think that was just me. Till he said something.

"Did you find a psychologist so I could go to?" I wasn't expecting him to ask me that question.
"Not yet. I know a doctor we have at the hospital. He works with people that have social issues, mental issues. He is very old in this job , so basically, , he is the only one who can help us. But I didn't saw him yesterday at hospital so I could talk with him. I'm hoping to see him today. If I do so I'll try my best to convince him into this. " He nodded his head.
"He will treat me as a sociopath or something. " He stated.
"He won't. He is very good and understanding. " I said. Once again he nodded his head and then went on finishing his breakfast. After that we put the dishes in the dishwasher and then headed out of the house. Once again I didn't have my car with me. I sighed and that grabbed his attention.

"What's wrong?" He asked.
"I don't have my car. I need to go at Key's to get it, or I'll tell them to bring it for me. I don't know, I'll see what I can do." I say. He made his way to his car and I went on to the other direction. I needed to get a taxi.
"Where are you going? My car is this way."
"And you should go that way. I'll get a taxi."
"I can give you a lift."
"Can you?" And he nodded. "Thank you very much! " I said and we went to his car.

He started his car and went off. I took out my notebook that I keep a track of his actions and behaviours and started to write somethings.

- cooking breakfast as a way to say thank you.
- offering lifts .
- willing to make a progress in this disease.

"What are you writing there?" He asked.
"Nothing much." I said. As he was about to speak again we arrived at the hospital. I unfastened my seat belt and got out of the car.

"Thanks for the ride! Have a good day!" I said to him cheerfully and then closed the door.

I went in the hospital gates and as if a miracle the doctor that I wanted to convince to work with Shawn was going in as well. I run to him.

Married to mafia / Shinee Key ffWhere stories live. Discover now