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William was walking around his study, waiting for Elizabeth to be finished with her bath. He had told her to take all the time she needed, but now that he was alone, knowing she was in his bath – naked – he had a completely different opinion. He wanted to be with her. Whether it was here in his study, fully clothed, or in his bedroom with no clothing, it did not matter. He just did not like knowing she was near, yet not being with her.

He sat down on the largest red coach that was in his study and thought back of what he was thinking of when she was in this room. He had noticed how her dress had a similar colour as the coach, and he had wanted to throw her on it and watch the two shades of red underneath him.

But he believed the threat that she would leave and never speak to him again if he kissed her. Elizabeth was a woman of her word, and he did not want to risk losing her again. He had felt the heartache once, he did not want to feel it again.

Suddenly William realized his desk was more empty than he was used to. Standing up and walking closer, he looked at every element on it, and thought back of what used to be on it. Every object had been moved, making it even harder for him to think of what was missing.

And then it came to mind. The trophy he had received upon winning the horseback riding competition many years ago was not on his desk.

Twas the first time he noticed it was missing, meaning someone must have taken it today. And there was only one person beside himself who had been in his study today.

Full of anger, he stormed upstairs and without knocking, opened the door where Elizabeth was taking her bath. He saw her startle and sink in deeper underneath the water so that he could not see more than her head and bare shoulders.

"Where is my trophy?" he asked as he walked closer and crouched down so that his face was closer to hers. He hoped it intimidated her.

"What trophy?" she asked as her eyes wildly roamed the room, hoping someone would come and safe her.

"My horseback riding trophy," he answered, knowing she already knew that. Not only because she had taken it, but also because she knew how much it meant to him. He had won it when he was a little boy, and twas the first time he had won something he was truly proud of.

"I do not know where your trophy is," she said, trying to look not intimidated and vulnerable while being naked in the bath.

He gave her an look that said he did not believe her. "Give it back."

"I do not have it."

"Then who would?" he challenged.

"I do not know. Mayhap one your mistresses."

He raised his eyebrows to her, hurt that she would speak of them while she was naked in front of him. "What makes you think I have any mistresses?"

"You are a man," she said like it explained everything. "And you have a robe for women."

He looked at what she was point at behind him and saw a robe hanging off the wall. He sighed, then stood up to take the piece of clothing and hand it to her. He turned around so that she could put it on, and listened to how she stepped out of the water, well aware that if he would just turn around, he would see her in all her beauty.

"Do you like blaming me?" she suddenly asked. He turned around to look at her and was disappointed when he saw she was already wearing the robe.

"No," he answered, but his mind was not quite with the conversation. He was thinking of what was underneath he robe. Yes, he had already seen naked bodies of women, but he had never seen the one he was the most interested in.

"Then why do you always do it?" He looked up at her, confused over her question.

"Do what?" he asked.

She sighed, and moved her head sideways. "Get your mind out of it."

He swallowed. "Out of what?"

"Out of me."

His eyes shot up to hers and he saw the seriousness in it. She knew exactly what he had been thinking, but he had no idea what was on her mind.

"Why are you here?" she asked him.

"This is my house," he answered, trying to concentrate on their words rather than her body and how little layers were covering it.

"I mean here, in this room, while I was not wearing any clothes."

He swallowed again, thinking of that moment. Twas the closest he had ever come to seeing her naked, and he wanted more of it.

"Because I wanted my trophy back," he managed to say.

"And you could not wait until I was finished?"

He gave her a smile. "Tis my house. I can stand where I please. And if I recall correctly, you forbade me from kissing you, but not from seeing you naked."

She squeezed her eyes into slits while she slowly walked closer – she and her only one layer of clothing. "You are reaching your limit, William. I would not go any further if I were you."

He swallowed again as he tried to keep his eyes on her face and not on her almost naked body. "Only reaching it?"

"Do you really want to find out?"

He looked at her eyes and must admit he was quite intimidated by her. If she was wearing more clothes and he did not know her well, he would truly be frightened. But right now, his mind was on something else entirely.

"I believe I must go now," he said. "Would you like to stay for diner?"

She turned around to look outside. "No, the rain has stopped. I shall go home when I am finished."


William was lucky Elizabeth had decided to leave when she did, for he saw a carriage stop in front of his estate when she had only left a few minutes ago. He recognized the carriage immediately and let out a deep sigh. Without waiting for his butler, he opened the front door and watched Teresa walk in his direction. She had a big smile on her face, probably to make William excited to see her.

But he was not. While Elizabeth had dressed, he had had the time to think of who had been in house alone the past few days, and the only person he could think of, was Teresa. She would always sleep long, and he would not have the time to wait for her before he left to start the day at the theatre.

"Where is my trophy?" he asked before she had stopped in front of him.

"How would I know?" she asked him, not even asking what trophy he was talking about.

"Because you took it. And I want it back."

She shrugged and walked passed him to enter the house. "I did not think you would notice. You have so many golden objects in your study."

"And you have been taking them all," he uncovered. Now he understood why he could not find his golden watch. "Why would you steal them?"

She turned around and looked at him as if he was stupid. "They are gold. People want to buy them. I can earn money."

He walked toward her and grabbed her arm. "You can also work to earn money."

He dragged her to the front door and only let go of her once she was outside. "The only time I want to see you again, is when you bring back my trophy."

Without waiting for her to respond, he closed the door.

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