Chapter 1

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I shut my locker abruptly after having throwing my books in there

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I shut my locker abruptly after having throwing my books in there. Today was our last day at school. Spring break was starting from tomorrow and I honestly couldn't be happier.



This could only be one person. I instantly turned towards the sound of her obnoxiously loud voice and chuckled. She was running in the corridor towards me like I would disappear if she didn't reach me in a second.

"Geez, Mia. Calm down," I told her laughing when she finally came to a hault in front of me. Taking in the mess of her hair, it seemed like she had been looking for me for a long time.

"Pack your bags right now!! We are leaving!" She yelled, staring back at me with big bright eyes. Then placed her small hand on my locker to catch her breath.

"What? Why? Where?" I asked her, curiously. God knows what this girl was dragging me into now.

"I'll explain later!" She was still panting. "Just go home and pick up your damned suitcase which I have already packed with all the stuff you will need and come to my house asap!!"

Suitcase? Shit. This just turned even more scary.

"But-" I opened my mouth to argue and ask her why but she cut me off impatiently.


Great. Now practically everyone in this school was staring at us. "Geez, alright alright I'm leaving," I held up my hands in surrender and quickly closed my locker, being slightly amused at her demeanor. She muttered a "don't be late" and ran towards her car outside hurriedly. I watched her trip over her own feet clumsily on the way and curse loudly at particularly no one while pushing the exit doors of the school open.

I shook my head, wondering what crazy surprise she had for me this time.


It seems like Mia hadn't been joking because at this particular moment, I was standing unruffled inside my room and staring at the baby pink suitcase that was already waiting for me on my bed, all packed up neatly.

When did she even come here and do all this? And where the hell are we going with so many of these clothes?!

I knew it didn't just look heavy when I carefully dragged it downstairs and let out a sigh before propping it inside the trunk of my car. Just as I was about to turn to walk towards the driver's door to sit inside the vehicle, I noticed that my mother was standing with her arms crossed on her chest in front of me. Not expecting to see her here, I almost stumbled on my own feet.

"And where do you think you're going with that?" She raised both of her sleek eyebrows at me.

She was wearing her usual denim jeans, white t-shirt. Her hair tied up in a messy bun. My mom was a sweet and pretty chill person whom you could always count on. But if something or someone pissed her off, she could be venomous. Ever watched Godzilla?

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